Agenda item

Performance Report Q2 (Pac.06.12.2018/5)


The item was introduced by the Area Council Manager, who noted that the report covered the period Quarter 2, July to September, 2018.


Overall performance was positive, with increases in the numbers of businesses involved in clean and tidy activities, as well as significant increases in the numbers volunteering, which included young people.


Within the quarter, five new community groups had been established, supported by Twiggs Grounds Maintenance and Age UK.  Members noted that the Community Car Scheme continued to be well used, and indicated that they would like to see this service maintained in the future.


The high number of people receiving training was acknowledged, and Members were made aware that volunteers engaging in clean and tidy activities receive training on the use of tools prior to the start of each session, with a smaller number of people receiving accredited training as part the Penistone FM contract.


With reference to the advice services delivered by DIAL, 57 residents had received advice face-to-face, with £70,916 in unclaimed benefits gained to date.  In addition the health and wellbeing of users of the service had improved following support given.  The range of support given on a multitude of issues was noted.


Attention was drawn to the Twiggs Grounds Maintenance contract, noting that it was near the end of the first year of the contract, which would be extended into the second year.


Performance over the first year had been positive, with many volunteers recruited, young people engaged in volunteering, and many volunteers trained.


The Area Council Manager made Members aware that they had been visiting Parish Councils of late, and had been making them aware of the service provided by Twiggs, with feedback generally positive.


Members noted that the contract with Age UK would shortly be coming to an end, and also noted delivery was now spread across the area.  Some areas had specifically been targeted, including Ingbirchworth.  Members heard how the new group in Tankersley had been well received.


An update was provided on the performance of Sporting Penistone.  One quarter of delivery remained.  The project had not focused on training during the summer, but due to the post of volunteer administrator, the volunteering aspect of the organisation had much improved.


Feedback from the final report from Penistone FM – My Town My Community project was positive, with a successful programme delivered targeting those aged over 55.  It was felt that the project had overestimated the number of volunteers, with 13 achieved against a target of 25. Numbers trained was also slightly lower than anticipated, but the project had provided a lasting legacy of volunteer broadcasters  Members heard that Penistone FM had been granted a further licence for five years.


Members noted that information was outstanding in relation to the South Pennine Community Bus Service, though the target for number of passengers had been met.


It was noted that information had been requested in relation to the longer term plans for the service, and SYPTE had approached the manager to discuss this area.


RESOLVED: - that the report be noted.



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