Agenda item

South Area Council Performance Management Report. (Sac.23.10.2015/6)


The item was introduced by the Area Council Manager, who drew attention to Part A – the overview of performance, before referring to Part B, featuring more in depth information on the performance of each contract.


With regards to the Tidy Team, Members noted  the significant number of litter picks completed at 1178, compared to 942 previously reported. Though satisfaction was generally high for the commission, with the majority of indicators on ‘green’, it was noted that ‘Outcome indicator targets met’ was ‘amber’ due to the low number of community groups created and number of schools engaged.  It was acknowledged that some of this could be attributed to under recording, however actions were in place to increase both.


Members noted that the relationship between the Tidy Team and Neighbourhood Services was very positive, with referrals between them.  Two major projects with which the Tidy Team were involved were discussed, as was the need to ensure the team works with officers in enforcement to ensure relevant enforcement action is taken against environmental blights.


With reference to the Environmental Enforcement Service, it was noted that all performance indicators were rated as ‘green’ and that 150 notices had now been issued for parking violations.  Members discussed the relationship between Kingdom Security and BMBC Parking Enforcement, noting that a working party was in place to try to ensure services were complementary.  It was noted that updated information on income from enforcement activity would be available from November, 2015.


Members noted the increasing numbers of PCN and FPN notices, which was attributed to the ever increasing intelligence received.


The One Stop Shop had seen in excess of 1,000 clients, when compared to 836 previously recorded.  Just under £800,000 of additional benefits had been gained to date as a result of advice given, with most of the clients being in work.  In addition over £750,000 of unmanageable debt was now being dealt with through financial settlements.  The performance for all areas of the project were rated as ‘green’.


The meeting discussed the provision of courses for local businesses, noting that despite significant efforts that take up had been low, therefore leading to an ‘amber’ rating for ‘Outcome indicators targets met’, though others were rated as ‘green’.  It was acknowledged that promotion of the courses will continue, including in the Community Magazine, in the hope that take up for subsequent courses will be improved.

that the update on the performance of contracted services be received.

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