Agenda item

Dale Sparks, the Head of Commercial and Operational Service Support, will update the Councillors regarding Parking Services


Mr Dale Sparks, Head of Commercial and Operational Service Support gave a presentation on Parking Services.


He explained that a reorganisation of the Service had taken place last year and gave details of the type of work undertaken and the number of officers involved in this work.  He made particular reference to the following:


·         Pay and display operations

·         Yellow line enforcement

·         District and resident parking zones

·         School safety zones and bus stop clearways with particular reference to the times at which such these areas were targeted

·         Pay and display machines including the move to cashless systems

·         The use of NPR technology

·         Parking appeals administration

·         The checks made in relation to parking fines for other agencies working in the area

·         The Council’s Parking Strategy which was currently under review.  It was noted that the strategy aimed to align to the British Parking Association positive parking agenda.  The priorities aimed at, amongst other things, reducing congestion, improving road safety and air quality and working together to make parking enforcement more efficient and fair


In the ensuing discussion reference was made to the following:


·         The abuse of Blue Badge Parking – it was noted that the issuing of Blue Badges was not within the remit of the Service, although enforcement of any abuses identified would be undertaken.  Work was also being undertaken with the Corporate Fraud Team on this

·         Action could be taken in relation to parking on dropped kerbs although this had to be witnessed by parking officers before any action could be taken

·         Work was continuing with other enforcement teams to collect fines.  Work was progressing with regard to the apportionment of fines to the various Area Councils.  It was noted that in total, in the last three years this amounted to £75,883.  Money raised could not be used on any other services

·         There was a brief discussion of issues and situations which could result in traffic regulations not being enforceable – and example was given in relation to ‘breaks’ in yellow lines

·         Council parking enforcement officers were not currently provided with protective clothing or body cams (which it was noted were used by Kingdom) and this had been raised as part of the review.  Arising out of this, reference was made to the relationship with third party providers which meant that scarce resources could then be utilised in other areas.


RESOLVED Mr Sparks be thanked for attending the meeting, for his presentation and for answering Members questions.