Agenda item

Notes of the Meeting of Central Area Council Members held on 3rd September, 2018 (Cen.27.09.2018/2)


The meeting received the notes from the meeting of Central Area Council Members held on 3rd September, 2018 (as appended to the minutes).


Members considered the recommendations contained within the notes.  With regards to the recommendations relating to Members taking part on tender evaluation panels, it was suggested that the Area Council Manager circulates the potential dates for Members to consider their availability.


Those present discussed the proposed Peri-natal Emotional Wellbeing Home Visiting and Community Support service, and it was noted that the service would work closely with the 0-19 team and with the Mental Health Midwife, with officers offering to assist with the procurement exercise to ensure the service procured was of the highest quality.



(i)            That the minutes of the Central Area Council held on 2ndJuly, 2018 be approved as a true and correct record;

(ii)          That thanks be given for the presentation on Future Foster Carers;

(iii)         That the recruitment of fostering champions in the Central Area be supported;

(iv)         That an application to each of the Ward Alliances to support the work of the fostering champions be encouraged;

(v)          That the Performance Management Report be noted;

(vi)         That the overview of Central Area Council’s priorities, current contracts and procurement, including associated timescales, be noted;

(vii)       That the outcome of the Clean and Green review be noted;

(viii)      That the Executive Director, following consultation with the working group, be authorised to approve the service specification and associated procurement documentation to procure a service to Create a Sustainable Clean and Green Environment In Partnership with Local People at a cost of £95,000 per annum for one year with the option to extend for two further periods of one year;

(ix)         That two elected Members take part in the tender evaluation panel for the service to Create a Sustainable Clean and Green Environment In Partnership with Local People;

(x)          That the Area Council Manager develops necessary material in order to progress the procurement of a further Environmental Enforcement service in the Central Council Area;

(xi)         That the Executive Director, following consultation with the working group, be authorised to approve the service specification and associated procurement documentation to procure a service to deliver Peri-natal Emotional Wellbeing Home Visiting and Community Support at a cost of £50,000 per annum for one year with the option to extend for two further periods of one year;

(xii)       That two elected Members take part in the tender evaluation panel for the procurement of a service to deliver Peri-natal Emotional Wellbeing Home Visiting and Community Support;

(xiii)      That the financial position for 2017/18, and the projected expenditure for 2018/19-2020/21 be noted;

(xiv)      That the notes from the Ward Alliances be received;

(xv)       That the report on Ward Alliance Funds be noted.

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