Agenda item

Smoke Free Schools (Sac.31.08.2018/4)


Kaye Mann, Senior Health Improvement Officer, was welcomed to the meeting to discuss Smoke Free Schools, which was part of the work to make smoking invisible in Barnsley. Members heard that this that also includes Smoke Free Parks, and Smoke Free places within the Town Centre such as the Pals Memorial Square.


The approach within schools was voluntary and encompassed the whole school, with staff, parents and children all being involved.  The aim was to make smoking invisible and in doing so it was hoped that the next generation would not take up smoking and be smoke free.


Members noted the health problems associated with smoking and its contribution to preventable death, and heard of the resources available to schools, including signage and a toolkit.   Members heard of the recent launch of Smoke Free Schools at Laithes Primary, which featured in the national, regional and local press.


Members supported the work in schools, and requested that the toolkit be circulated to raise awareness and promote the support available to schools in the area.


Discussion turned to the roll out of Smoke Free areas and the potential of adopting smoke free areas within the locality. The balance between supporting the desires of a significant proportion of residents, with the need to ensure that any negative impact on local businesses in avoided was acknowledged.  It was suggested that further research is undertaken prior to a further discussion at the next meeting of the Area Council.



(i)     That thanks be given for the presentation;

(ii)    That the roll out of Smoke Free Schools initiative be supported in the South Area;

(iii)  That the Smoke Free Schools toolkit be circulated to all Elected Members;

(iv)   That research be done prior to a further discussion on the potential of making certain areas in the South Area smoke free at the next meeting of the Area Council.