Agenda item

Traffic Management (Pac.19.07.2018/8)


Councillor Millner introduced the item, referring to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) proposed in The Green.  After consultation with Highways, and taking into consideration the evidence provided from local residents, it was suggested that yellow lines be applied to the entrances/exists to The Green.


In addition, Councillor Millner also reminded the meeting of previous discussions around implementing a 20mph zone within the Town Centre.


Acknowledging budgetary pressures within the Highways service, Members discussed how previous TROs had been funded.  It was noted that finance had often been provided through the Devolved Ward Budget, and although the current criteria for the Ward Alliance is to promote social action and volunteering there is scope to fund other projects which do not require with volunteer time. Although no volunteer time could be attributed to a TRO, it was noted that in the case of the problems faced by residents at The Green, this had brought them together as a community to address the issues.


Members discussed the criteria for considering a TRO and went on to discuss the process of approval for local funds. It was noted that decisions were those delegated to an officer, taking account of the recommendations of the Ward Alliance, and in the case of TROs would take account of the views of officers in Highways.


It was acknowledged that there was more than one TRO being put forward which would require funding, but it was unlikely that many could be financed locally per year through the Ward Alliance Fund.  Members also acknowledged the low numbers of officers to enforce TROs, however the use to encourage appropriate parking was acknowledged.



(i)            that Members encourage an application from Highways to the Ward Alliance Fund for a Traffic Regulation Order in relation to The Green;

(ii)          that implementation of a 20mph zone in Penistone Town Centre be considered as part of the Principal Towns Programme.