Agenda item

Rural Waste Collection (Pac.19.07.2018/7)


The item was introduced by the Chair, who reminded Members of the changes to waste collection which meant that refuse would only be collected from the kerbside.   The impact of this was most greatly felt in rural areas, which had a higher proportion of un-adopted roads and tracks.


Where problems occurred, bespoke solutions had been considered and had been implemented in a number of places. Councillors were reminded of discussion about the issue at the recent Ward Alliance meeting, where it was suggested that this could be an issue for the Area Council to discuss and potentially assist with a solution.


Members noted the need to make efficiency savings, but questioned the costs of solutions being put in place and the significant time of officers and Members to arrive at and implement the solutions.  Members noted the outstanding issues faced by number of residents, and discussed potential ways to alleviate some of the issues.


Suggestions were made to provide support from the Area Council, but consensus was that any solution should be permanent as ongoing revenue financial support could not be sustainable.


As Members were aware that the number of residents with issues was declining, due to the interventions by the service being implemented, it was agreed not to undertake any intervention at the current time, but to monitor the situation and discuss it at a future meeting should issues remain outstanding.


RESOLVED that a future meeting of the Area Council revisits the discussion should the need arise.