Agenda item

Better Care Fund update, including financial position. (Sac.13.10.2015/6)


Members were reminded of the background to the Better Care Fund and its aim to transform health and social care.


The allocation of the fund was noted, and the extent to which a number of schemes had historically been funded from sources consolidated into the BCF, and the meeting discussed performance in relation to the fund.  The meeting heard how attendance at A&E was stable and reducing, but non-elective admissions were increasing.


The meeting noted the schemes supported by the BCF, and other activity  that contributed to achieving the performance targets, together with the assurance process to report to NHS England.   It was important to understand why admissions were taking place in order to identify what could be done to improve performance levels.


RESOLVED that the update on the Better Care Fund be received, and SSDG undertake further work in order to improve performance as discussed.

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