Agenda item

Procurement and Financial Update (Cen.02.07.2018/4)


The item was introduced by the Area Council Manager who brought attention to the challenges in the Central Area identified by My Best Life. 


Members noted that a number of Area Council commissions were already addressing many of the issues identified.  Of concern were the numbers of working age males identified requiring support, and Members discussed the option of varying the RVS contract to consider this demographic.  The meeting concluded that this was not the focus of the work of RVS and that ongoing monitoring of the issue ought to be undertaken in order to have a better understanding of the magnitude of the situation, which could then be discussed at a future meeting of the Area Council.

The finite budget was also noted, as was the need to prioritise in order to ensure the impact of the Area Council was maximised.


The Area Council went on to provide an update on the current position with regards to the contract with Homestart since notice was received that they would cease delivery from 31st May, 2018.  As payment was in arrears, a payment of £2,700 was outstanding from the Central Area Council.  Members were made aware that Homestart had been in receipt of a grant of £2,210 from North Area Council, which was to be repaid.  Following discussions with relevant parties, it was agreed that the £2,210 owing to BMBC be waived in lieu of the £2,700 owed to Homestart, therefore £2,210 had been paid from Central Area Council to North Area Council.


Members noted that a group, previously supported by Homestart volunteers, continued to meet at Hope House Church.  Currently any costs were being waived, however it was suggested that monies be set aside to support the maintenance of this group in the short term, a figure of £800 was suggested, and appropriate monitoring would take place.


In relation to the SLA to provide support for new tenants in low cost private rented sector housing, Members heard how a recent recruitment exercise had not been fruitful, and the relevant post not been filled.   The post had been re-advertised with an appropriate boost through social media.


In relation to the Clean and Green priority, Members were reminded that the contract with Twiggs Grounds Maintenance had been extended but was due to finish at the end of January 2019, in addition the contract with Kingdom Security was due to come to an end in March, 2019.  Therefore it was suggested that a workshop be held to review this priority, with feedback being received at the September meeting of the Area Council.


In light of the timescales related to undertaking any procurement activity following the review it was suggested that the contract with Twiggs Grounds Maintenance be extended to 31st March, 2019 at a cost of £21,250.


Feedback was provided in relation to the Flytipping Education and Enforcement Service, with a workshop being held to consider relevant details.  It was suggested that the approach would be to proactively targeting household flytipping with data and local intelligence being used to identify ‘hot spots’.  It was also suggested that these ‘hot spots’ cover a number of streets within a locality.


Members noted the need for continued reporting through existing mechanisms, though it was agreed at the workshop to circulate contact details of relevant officers to Members.


Feedback was then provided in relation to progress made in developing an intervention to respond to the Family Support priority, which had been agreed in principle at a previous meeting.  The Chair remarked on the productive meeting held with officers, Members and experts attending in order to develop a proposal.  It was felt that a service to provide home based and community follow on peri-natal intervention to support emotional wellbeing would provide early help to those with very young families who may otherwise not connect with universal services.  It was noted that this issue had been identified by a meeting of the Central Children's Centre Advisory Board and followed on from the work previously undertaken as part of the Homestart contract in the Central Area.  Members went on to discuss whether this was high priority for investment by the Area Council, given other issues in the area.


The Area Council Manager drew attention to the appendices, which provided an overview of the finances of the Area Council.  £155,975 was available to allocate in 2018/19, however taking into account a number of areas Members had previously indicated they would like to invest this would leave approximately £89,000 to be allocated.



(i)        That the overview of Central Area Council’s priorities and contracts, together with relevant updates be noted;

(ii)       That £800 be allocated to support the group of volunteers previously supported by Homestart;

(iii)      That the approach to the Central Area Council Clean and Green Review and future procurement of clean and green services as detailed in the report be supported;

(iv)      That authorisation be given to the Executive Director, Communities to complete the necessary paperwork in order to waive contract procedure rules to extend Twiggs Clean and Green contract to 31st March, 2019 at a cost of £21,250;

(v)       That the additional information provided in relation to the Targeted Household Fly-Tipping service be noted;

(vi)      That the progress made in developing documentation to procure a home based and community follow-on peri-natal intervention to support emotional wellbeing be acknowledged, and that a specification of requirements to enable the procurement of the service be considered by Members at a future meeting of the Area Council;

(vii)     That the financial position for 2017/18 and projected expenditure for 2018/19-2020/21 be noted.



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