Agenda item

Scrutiny Work Programme 2018/19

To provide a verbal update regarding the proposed scrutiny work programme for 2018/19.



The Scrutiny Officer introduced the item, reminding the committee of the recent workshop session which had discussed potential items for inclusion in the work plan.  In addition Members had been asked to email any ideas so that they could also be incorporated.


The attention of Members was drawn to the draft plan, which included dates where consideration could be given to quarterly performance reports.  The committee noted that both annual reports from the Barnsley Safeguarding Adults Board and Safeguarding Children’s Board would be considered as part of an All Members Scrutiny Session.


Also noted were the themes suggested for the Task and Finish Groups: Adult Mental Health Services; Substance Misuse (which would include associated Anti-Social Behaviour); and Social Housing.


With regards to the review of hospital services, it was suggested that this could be part of the scope of the session to consider Integrated/Accountable Care System Progress if appropriate.


The Committee discussed attendance at the Committee, and the Chair remarked that this was an issue already in consideration.  A review of the arrangements for Overview and Scrutiny was already in train, and that any changes necessary could be made to be effective from the start of the next municipal year.


RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny draft work programme for 2018/19 be endorsed by the committee, recognising the need for this to be flexible in order to remain responsive.

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