Agenda item

Adult Social Care Local Account 2016/16

To consider a report of the Executive Director Core Services (Item 4a attached) in respect of Barnsley’s Adult Social Care Local Account 2016/17 (Item 4b attached)



The following witnesses were welcomed to the meeting, for this item and the following two items:


·           Rachel Dickinson, Executive Director - People

·           Lennie Sahota, Service Director - Adult Social Care & Health

·           Sharon Graham, Head of Service - Joint Commissioning

·           Jane Wood, Head of Service - Assessment & Care Management

·           Claire Edgar, Head of Service - Mental Health & Disability

·           Councillor Margaret Bruff, Cabinet Spokesperson for People (Safeguarding)


The report was introduced by the Service Director, Adult Social Care & Health, who informed the Committee that the report provided information of the performance of Adult Social Care during 2016/17, including comparisons of performance against national averages and statistical neighbours. The Executive Director (People) commented that the report highlighted that there were many areas of good performance for the service, although there were still areas for improvement. The Committee discussed the report and the following issues were raised:


·      The proposed budget savings for 2017/18 of £1.2m had been achieved. While the specific saving in relation to double-handed care had not been delivered, over-achievement of savings in other areas had compensated for this.


·      Addressing social isolation was a key issue. Assessment of this was included as part of the annual review of service users and as part of all assessments in line with the Care Act 2014. It was noted that Area Councils and Ward Alliances had done good work in this area, which should continue to be supported. The Committee commented that best practice delivered by Area Councils and Ward Alliances should be shared across the Borough. The Committee also enquired what the Council did to share and discover best practice across the region, and was informed that the Yorkshire and Humber Adult Social Care Directors Group was proactive in sharing best practice in the region. The Committee also noted that the Live Well Barnsley website was an excellent resource to help to reduce social isolation.


·      The KPI regarding the proportion of older people who received reablement or rehabilitation services after discharge from hospital was rated as red in the report, below the average nationally and for statistical neighbours. It was explained that part of the reason for this was that the data collection currently only captured the performance of Council-run reablement or rehabilitation services; further work needed to be completed to allow the full picture in relation to this to be reported in future. Members noted that the KPI for older people who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into these reablement or rehabilitee services was above the national and statistical neighbour averages, so it appeared that the work being done in this area was of good quality.


·      Further information was provided regarding the proposals to develop extra care housing schemes as an alternative to residential care, and supporting adults with learning disabilities and mental health conditions into paid employment. In relation to the latter, the Committee was informed that additional investment had been agreed by SMT earlier in the week. The Committee requested information regarding the Council’s performance in terms of employing adults with learning disabilities or mental health conditions and was advised that this information was not available at the meeting, but could be provided following the meeting.


·      The Committee was assured that the there was an adequate amount of care provision within the Borough, a position which had been improved following the completion of a recent procurement exercise which had delivered an additional provider for adults with mental health conditions.


·      An all-Member briefing had been arranged for 24th May 2018 to allow Members to discuss the Accountable Care System and the Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group in relation to this.


·      The Committee was informed of the recent work which had been completed to quantify the average cost of care home provision in the Borough, as part of the fee proposals for the next three years. Work had also been completed to strengthen the contract monitoring of care homes, which had assisted with work with homes to increase the quality of provision.




i)          the witnesses be thanked for their contribution;


ii)         the report be noted; and


iii)       information be provided to Members regarding the Council’s performance in employing people with learning disabilities or mental health conditions.

Supporting documents: