Agenda item

Performance Update (PAC.05.04.2018/5)


The Area Council Manager introduced a report giving an interim performance update for the Area Council’s commissioned work and projects, bearing in mind that the year-end position would be reported to the next meeting in June. 


The meeting noted that an underspending was anticipated on both the Bumping Spaces and Penistone youth projects, which would allow the projects to continue for slightly longer.  More detail on this would be given in the June report.  Members commented on the potential need for future youth project support to focus on activities to divert anti-social behaviour in the market and station areas of Penistone.


Bumping Spaces has enabled individuals to provide valuable peer support to  vulnerable individuals in their networks especially during the recent bad weather. The project outcomes were really positive, particularly their ability to network with other organisations.  Representatives from the Penistone project would be attending a regional conference in Doncaster to tell their stories.  Bumping Spaces is also linked with the emerging Penistone Community Ale House, which is submitting a Ward Alliance application.  This project would need to aim to provide more than a public house and could provide a useful community space to support projects such as Bumping Spaces.  The Penistone FM open day had limited attendance due to the weather, but there is real interest in the project. Volunteers and trainees have   broadcasted to the wider community and made contacts with groups to help promote them through broadcasts.  A number of positive stories had been generated by the Age UK work during the bad weather, particularly with contacts through Barnsley Council being referred to the project so that vulnerable older people could be helped during the snow.


The recent wintery weather had resulted in some of the DIAL sessions being postponed. Members noted that there were still high levels of demand for the DIAL project, to support with welfare and disability benefit claims.  The Area Council Manager was discussing options with the DIAL project manager and advice worker to help alleviate waiting times. The outcome of these discussions would be reported to the June meeting.


Members noted that the contract for Penistone Matters magazine was currently out to tender, with the Area Council covering delivery costs only.  Further discussions were required with Communications regarding the reach/distribution of the magazine.  The next edition was due to be issued in June, so the likely deadline for copy would be sometime in May.  It was noted that the information about the Sloppy Slippers project would be a good story to include.


The meeting noted that the Twiggs Clean and Green project continued to perform well, inspite of the weather conditions during the first full quarter of the contract .  The meeting noted that Twiggs recently identified a vacancy, and Members queried whether this was in relation to the Penistone contract. The Area Council manager will investigate if this will have any effect for the Penistone contract.  The meeting noted that Twiggs continued to work well with community groups, although it was not clear how information about dates of litter picks, for example, were notified to local Councillors or the community more generally.




(i)         that the progress on the Area Council’s commissions and projects as identified in the report be noted;


(ii)        that the Area Council Manager liaise with Mark Miller to consider how the Penistone youth project might focus activity to tackle anti-social behaviour; and


(iii)       that the Area Council Manager would discuss the issue of providing information on litter picks and whether progress would be affected by current vacancies when she met Twiggs at the next contract meeting.


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