Agenda item

Area Council Procurement and Financial Update (PAC.05.04.2018/6)


The Area Council Manager introduced a report giving an update on commissioning and procurement activity in respect of isolated and vulnerable older people service, the Working Together Fund and the Clean and Tidy service.  The report also outlined the current financial position and projected this into 2018/19 having regard to the expected forward commitments.


Members noted the allocation of £10,000 by the Area Council to the Penistone East and West Ward Alliance in 2017/18 and that this would affect availability for commissioning other activity if Members were minded to make a similar allocation in 2018/19.  The meeting discussed proposals for traffic calming measures, referred at Section 7.2 of the report, and amounting to £15,300 in total to be funded from an available allocation of £52,500.  It was noted that Thurgoland Parish Council had indicated a willingness to contribute £1,000 towards the cost of the sign into the village, although the estimate now given was significantly greater than anticipated, due to the additional highways works that would be required.  On the wider issue of road safety, Members commented on the contribution that could be made by the South Yorkshire Camera Partnership but that they lacked information on how this operated.


The meeting noted the success of the Working Together Fund and the range of projects supported by it.  The 2017/18 underspend of £33,856 would be carried forward into 2018/19.  The Working Together Fund Panel was due to consider whether the South Pennine Bus Company should be funded for a further 12 month period, at a maximum cost of £20,000.  The Area Council Manager circulated further information on the performance of this service identifying the number of passengers using this service as the basis for Members to take a view on the future of this contract in advance of consideration by the Panel.  The meeting also noted comments by the South Yorkshire PTE about the potential impact on commercial services and its long-term sustainability, although it had not followed this up with detailed information. 




(i)         that the update on procurement activity be received;


(ii)        that the update on the Working Together Fund and the proposals for the 2018/19 grant process, as outlined at paragraph 4.6 of the report, be noted;


(iii)       that the support expressed by the Area Council for the community transport service to continue for a further year be noted at a cost of up to £20,000, and a further application to the Working Together Fund for this purpose be encouraged;


(iv)       that the Ward Alliance Fund allocation for 2018/19 be noted and further consideration be given to the anticipated demand on this and the Working Together Fund at the Area Council meeting in June;


(v)       that the speed indicator device and the Thurgoland boundary sign proposals be considered for funding contribution via the Penistone East and West Ward Alliance , to be presented as separate project proposals;


(vi)       that, specifically in respect of the Thurgoland boundary signs, the Area Council Manager seek to confirm that Thurgoland Parish Council will still contribute £1,000 to the cost of this and to suggest that the Parish Council should contact local companies to seek a contribution towards the cost by way of sponsorship; and


(vii)      that the financial update including the budget for the 2018/19 financial year as set out at Section 8 of the report be noted.


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