Agenda item

Dearne Area Council Performance Update including financial position (Dac.14.09.2015/4)


The item was introduced by the Area Council Manager.  Members were reminded of the contracts currently operating; Training for Employment running until 31st March, 2016; Environmental Enforcement running until 31st March, 2016; the Clean and Tidy Service which had recently commenced; and the Private Sector Housing Management contract.


£121,718 of the Area Council budget for 2015/16 remained unallocated.  In addition £14,110 of income from Fixed Penalty Notices was forthcoming, leaving £135,828 to allocate in the current financial year.


The meeting considered the performance of currently funded contracts.  It was noted that performance against the Training for Employment contract continued to be positive, and there were no issues to report.  Members stressed the need to ensure DECV received appropriate credit for the success of the project in addition to VAB.


Members stressed the desire for training to remain in the current venue and, if possible, would also like to see DWP return to undertake complementary job search alongside the project.


The meeting noted that a presentation on Area Arrangements was being prepared for Barnsley Leadership Team, in which the success of the Training for Employment contract would be highlighted as a case study.


With regards to the Environmental Enforcement contract, it was noted that 58 Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued, of which 50 were for littering and 8 for dog fouling.  In addition 40 notices had been issued for parking violations.  Members noted that many of the offences were as a result of intelligence being provided, and the meeting heard of a campaign being organised to highlight the issue of dog fouling and encourage reporting.   It was suggested that this issue also be included in the community magazine.


Members noted that the Clean and Tidy service, as discussed under the previous item was making significant progress despite only recently starting.


The Area Council Manager made the meeting aware that mechanisms for reporting the performance of the Housing Management service level agreement had now been finalised, and this would be reported into future Area Council meetings.


RESOLVED the report be received.

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