Agenda item

External Annual Governance Report - Presentation

The Council will receive a presentation from the External Auditor on the External Annual Governance Report.


Ms A Warner C Partridge, representing KPMG, the Authority’s External Auditor made a presentation on the External Audit Annual Governance Report 2016/17.


The following points were noted:


·         An unqualified opinion was to be given on the financial Statements, on the Use of Resources and Whole of Government Accounts

·         The Accounts and working papers had been produced to high standard and the Local Authority Finance Team had dealt with the audit queries efficiently and professionally

·         The following audit risks had been identified for 2016/17 all of which had been mitigated:

o   The change in pension liabilities due to the Local Government Pension Scheme triannual valuation

o   The Valuation of the waste management PFI

·         No specific Value for Money risks for 2016/17 had been identified

·         The following audit adjustments had been identified as part of the External Audit Work all of which had ben adjusted in the final version of the accounts:

o   The production of Group Accounts

o   Minor presentational adjustments in relation to notes to the accounts

·         Four recommendations had been raised in the year:

o   To improve notification of HR/Payroll of leavers to reduce overpayments

o   To turn on the system log to record amendments made to the production client in SAP

o   To improve notification of IT of leaves in order to reduce risk of inappropriate access to application

o   To review access to the Council Tax system to confirm all staff with access were appropriate

·         The Annual Governance Statement complied with CIPFA guidance and was consistent with other information the Council published


The Cabinet Spokesperson Core Services and Members of the Council asked to place on record their thanks and appreciation for the work of the External Auditors and for the way in which the audit had been conducted.  They also recorded their thanks for the work of those staff within the Finance Directorate and within Internal Audit, who had contributed to the Annual Governance Report.