Agenda item

Review of Area Council Commissioned Services - recommendations from the workshop held on 1st September, 2017 (Sac.19.09.2017/2)


The Area Council considered a report of the South Area Council Manager which sought approval for recommendations made at an Area Council Workshop which had been held on 1st September 2017, regarding alterations to contracts for Area Council commissioned services. The report provided full details of the discussions which had taken place at the Area Council Workshop, which had suggested a reduction in the Environmental Enforcement contract, from four officers down to two. This would reduce the contract value from £142,512 to £71,076 per year. The reasoning for this recommendation was set out within the report.


RESOLVED That the Area Council approves the recommendations made by the Area Council workshop held on 1st September regarding Area Council commissioned services, namely that:


·         the Tidy Team contract be retained in full at a cost of £179,410 per year;

·         the Advice Services contract be retained in full at a cost of £73,950 per year;

·         the Environmental Enforcement contract be reduced by 50% from four officers down to two, reducing the contract value from £142,512 per year to £71,076 per year; and

·         the Private Sector Housing contract, which currently ran as a pilot scheme to 31st October, be extended to 31st March 2018, at a cost of £13,575 to the Area Council.

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