Agenda item

Quarter 2 Performance Management Report (Cen.06.11.2017/3)


The Area Council Manager presented the performance management report for the quarter two period from July – September, 2017.  There was overall satisfaction with the performance of services funded by the Area Council, and Members noted the cumulative overview of performance provided.


A brief overview of each of the services was then provided by the Area Council Manager. 


With regards to the contract with Royal Voluntary Service, it was noted that the majority of the performance was rated as ‘green’, with only one issue relating to additional information which had not, as yet, been provided.  Within the quarter, 126 new individuals had been engaged, with 21 of these being referred from ‘My Best Life’.


Members noted that 9 new adult volunteers had been engaged, these and other volunteers continued supporting 30 beneficiaries from the previous contract.  Members requested that tracking be increased so that the destination of beneficiaries is known once they are introduced to community groups and activities.


The contract with YMCA was considered, and it was noted that all areas of performance were rated as ‘green’.  60 sessions had been delivered during the quarter with 31 new children aged 8-14 participating for over 6 hours.  Members noted that a self-assessment framework was currently being developed by participants and that this would help to show the progression individuals had made.


The overall satisfaction with the contract with Kingdom Security was positive, with all performance indicators rated as ‘green’.  Within the quarter 229 Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued for littering and dog fouling, together with a further 11 Car Parking Notices.  Members acknowledged the targeted dog fouling operations undertaken, where the presence of officers had acted as a deterrent, and the ‘Bin it to win it’ initiative, which provided the chance to win a prize for people acting responsibly.


Though it was noted that patrols were conducted equitably across the wards in the area, notices issued were unevenly spread.  The Area Council Manager agreed to distribute the breakdown of notices by ward to interested Members.


Those present heard about the performance of the contract with Twiggs Grounds Maintenance, and it was noted that all areas of performance were rated as ‘green’.  Within the quarter approximately 248 additional pieces of work had been completed and Twiggs had led 10 social action projects and supported 9 Central Area Team led projects.   Members also noted that two new work experience placements had also been supported within the quarter.


Members discussed the Private Sector Housing and Enforcement SLA, noting that the service had engaged with a further 219 properties within the quarter.   Since the start of the service, 2,335 properties had been visited, with over 850 having 3 or more contacts.  The service had dealt with a number of complex cases, and other organisations had been engaged where relevant. 


Six referrals had been received by the Private Rented Housing Home Visiting Service, and 10 families were being supported on an ongoing basis by volunteers.  It was noted that two new adult volunteers had been engaged within the quarter.   The case studies circulated served to highlight the complexity of issues faced by those engaged by the service.


Members considered the performance of the services provided through the Youth Resilience Fund.


The Immortals Project continued to perform well, with a successful event being held on 22nd September.  Members commended the group on the pride established in the area, and continued commitment of young people.


With regards to Exodus, Members noted the significant number of events supported by volunteers during the summer. 31 young people had taked part, 3 of which were new in the quarter.  4 new adult volunteers had also been engaged.  Questions were asked regarding the targets for the project, and it was agreed to provide these in future.  Members also questioned the charges that the project levied, and it was noted that this was to cover expenses such as fuel, which were not covered by the Central Area Council contract.


The contract with the YMCA to provide youth work in Dodworth was considered.  There had been 126 attendances within the quarter, with 18 of these being new attendees.  Members heard how a number of older males had been seen to undermine the project; however it continued to be successful delivering one session a week in addition to engaging with groups congregating around the library from time to time.


Members heard how The Youth Association – Belonging in Barnsley project was meeting all its milestones and targets. Within the quarter 11 new young people had been engaged, with 10 attending three or more sessions.   Two major projects, a Christmas Social Action project, and a project culminating in the climbing of Snowden, were planned


RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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