Agenda item

Quarter 1 Performance Management Report (Cen.04.09.2017/4)


The Area Council Manager presented the Performance Management report and referred Members to Appendix 1. This provided a summary of the performance from 1st April, 2014 to 31st March, 2017 of contracted services.


Appendix 2 of the report provided an update on the cumulative performance for quarter 1, April – June, 2017 for all contracted services, together with more detail for each of the contracts.


With regards to the contract with Royal Voluntary Service, performance was rated ‘Green’ in all areas, and 113 new older people had been engaged by the RVS Barnsley Central Looking Out for Older People service (BCLOOP) during the quarter.  Members noted the two case studies provided as part of the report.  A request was made for the numbers of users to be disaggregated to Ward level or below if possible.


Member attention was drawn to the performance against the contract with YMCA for the quarter, with each area being rated as ‘Green’.   89 sessions had been delivered within the quarter and 134 children aged 8-14 had participated for over 6 hours.  A new group had been formed to help develop project identity which would be consulted on from July, 2017.  An evaluation tool was in development in order to measure progress made by participants in the project.


The performance of Kingdom Security against the contract was considered satisfactory, with 2,270 Fixed Penalty Notices issues for littering and dog fouling since the service commenced in August, 2014.  Between April and June 2017, 164 Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued for littering and 16 for dog fouling, with a further 16 car parking notices issued.  Members noted that witness statements could now be used as evidence to issue notices for dog fouling, however a number of members of the public were willing to report issues, but not provide witness statements.


The service provided by Twiggs Grounds Maintenance was discussed, noting that this was the second year of their contract.  During the quarter, 130 significant pieces of work had been undertaken across the five wards of the central area, and in addition 1 work experience placement had been delivered.  Members commented on the excellent job Twiggs had undertaken.


Members discussed the Service Level Agreement delivering Private Sector Housing Enforcement.  Since the start of the contract 2,117 different properties/ households had been visited.  Over 700 of these had received three or more contacts.  Within the quarter 38 property inspections had been undertaken, and there had been a number of complex cases.  Members discussed the sources of referrals, but acknowledged that many properties were identified by officers during the course of their job.


Concern was expressed about the service provided through the Area Council, and how this worked with that provided as part of the Council’s core offer.    It was agreed that the Chair would meet with Head of Safer Barnsley to discuss this in more depth.


Members noted that the Private Rented Housing Home Visiting Service had received 6 referrals within the quarter, and sign-posted 3 families to the group session.  A number of families being supported had multiple and complex issues.


Members went on to consider the projects funded through the Youth Resilience Fund, noting that all were performing well. With regards to the Immortals Project, they had worked with the Central Ward Alliance in order to install lighting at Hoyle Mill park, and the recent event had been a success.  It was noted that graffiti was now being removed by the young people and litter cleared. 


Concern was expressed poor communication in regards to the mural work at Worsbrough Dale Park Pavillion.


With regards to Exodus, Members noted that 29 young volunteers had been engaged within the quarter, 4 of which were new, and had been supporting community events and club sessions across the area. Members discussed the recent event, where safety concerns had been raised, but it was noted that these had been dealt with appropriately.


With regards to the YMCA project in Gilroyd and Dodworth, Members noted that performance was positive, with 20 new young people engaged 12 of which had attended 3 or more sessions.  The relationship with parents and carers was positive, and it was hoped that this could be built upon.


The performance of the Youth Association project – Belonging in Barnsley was discussed, and Members heard how a group of 12 new young people of White Latvian and Latvian Roma ethnicity, had been engaged in the project.  It was hoped that the group would go forward to engage with other communities and with other activities across the Central Area.



(i)        That the report be noted;

(ii)       That the Chair discusses the concerns of the Area Council with the Head of Safer Communities Barnsley.

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