Agenda item

Dearne Area Council Financial Position and Progress of Projects (Dac.18.09.2017/5)


The Area Council Manager introduced the item.  Members noted that around £16,000 had been carried forward from 2016/17 to 2017/18, resulting in an opening balance of just over £216,000.  


Taking into account finance already committed, the amount of remaining finance still unallocated stood at £2,553.  It was noted that this amount would increase slightly with the income from Fixed Penalty Notices.


An update was provided on the Railway Embankment project, and Members noted that applications to the Tesco bags scheme and Barnsley Bonds had been successful for a total of £2,500.  In additional Dearne Valley Landscape had agreed £500 towards flowers, and would also consider contributing to other areas of expenditure such as signage.  Members also noted that drawings for access had been progressed.


Members noted the outcome of a recent meeting to discuss Dearne Development Fund applications.  Though 9 had been recommended for approval, the actual amounts were still to be confirmed as discussions were still ongoing with the groups in question.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


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