Agenda item

Internal Audit Plan 2017/18


The Head of Infernal Audit and Corporate Anti-Fraud will submit a report presenting the indicative Internal Audit Action Plan for the financial (audit) year 2017/18, describing the rationale and process for setting the plan, the risk assessment process used and how Internal Audit resources are calculated and deployed.


The Head of Internal Audit and Corporate Anti-Fraud presented the plan, which had been arrived at after a process of consultation and careful consideration.  This was in the light of reductions in staff due to budget pressures.  Members were assured that the impact had been mitigated as much as possible, but this had resulted in a net loss of 320 audit days to the Council.


The planned audit work had been arranged to achieve the maximum impact and was suggested that this would be adequate to provide an annual opinion, and the coverage was in line with neighbouring councils.  Members were made aware that the document had been developed through a robust process which included lead officers and heads of service.


It was noted that the plan was flexible and could respond to changes in priority, where required.  The Committee were made aware that two new members of staff due to start imminently, which would bring the audit team to full capacity.


Members of the Committee discussed the provision of monitoring reports, including the resource implications of their production, and whether these should be reduced to half-yearly.  After significant consideration, it was suggested that these remain quarterly, in order to provide adequate assurance to Members.


Attention was drawn to the number of chargeable days and the percentage of chargeable time per FTE staff.  It was noted that the figures had increased, and questions were asked how this had been achieved.  It was noted that this could partly be attributable to changes in classification of chargeable time, however it was also stated that the consistency of the team had resulted in a reduction in training required and increased efficiency.


The Chair gave thanks to Julie Winham, Audit Manager, for her hard work and dedication, including the support given to the Audit Committee, and wished her well in her future endeavours.  The sentiment was echoed by the Committee.



(i)     That the indicative Internal Audit Plan 2017/18 be approved, acknowledging the need for the Head of Internal Audit to exercise judgement to apply the flexibly according to priority, risk, and resources available; and

(ii)    That the Audit Committee receives quarterly monitoring reports from the Head of Internal Audit to demonstrate progress against the plan, including information where the plan has materially varied.