Agenda item

Improving the Environment - Specification refinement and decision to procure


The Area Council Manager outlined the report which summarises the project development activity that has taken place regarding the North ‘Improving the Environment’ Priority and potential next steps regarding the future investment in this policy area, highlighting recommended project refinement.  Commissioning a service for a further three years would extend the life of the project to 5 years in total.  This would include an expectation that 50% of the proactive projects would include work with schools and community behaviour change would need to be evidenced.  Concerns were expressed regarding volunteering capacity and engagement as it can be very difficult to engage some sections of the community in volunteer work.  An option to terminate the contract, if not satisfied with performance, would be built into the contract.




(i)            The NorthArea Council note the key points recommended at the priority workshop held on 15th February 2017

(ii)          The North Area Council proceed with the procurement of a service designed to improve the overall environmental appearance of the four wards that make up the North Area Council are and look to  sustain and increase volunteering and engagement specifically associated with this priority area.

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