Agenda item

Dearne Area Council Financial Position and Progress of Projects Update (Dac.20.03.2017/5)


The Area Council Manager provided an update to the meeting.  The opening budget for the Area Council in 2016/17 was approximately £220,000 including monies carried forward from the previous financial year.   Members noted that just over £217,000 had been spent or allocated from this budget leaving £3,384 unallocated.  It was noted that some small amounts of expenditure initially allocated from 2016/17 finances would come from the 2017/18 budget.  Together with projected income from Fixed Penalty Notices, the carry forward figure was likely to be £9,199.


Members heard how the Dearne Development Fund had only spent around £57,000 of the £80,000 allocated.  However there was a further panel meeting to discuss a number of applications on 22nd March, 2017.


The meeting was made aware of the outcome of the procurement of an Environmental and Volunteering Service, commissioned at a cost of £75,000.  Two applications had been submitted and evaluated, with interviews taking place on 12th January, 2017.  Members were made aware that Twiggs had been successful.  The Area Council Manager stressed the differences between this and the previous contract, with the increased focus being on working with, not for, residents, businesses, schools and the community as a whole.


The meeting discussed the details relating to the Private Sector Housing SLA, noting that an Investigations Officer role would be employed centrally, and part of the role would serve the Dearne.  Assurances had been given that all investigations would still be completed in a timely manner.  Members agreed that this be monitored closely. It was therefore suggested that the SLA progressed from April, 2017 at a reduced cost of £36,081 per annum, to fund a single officer.


Members attention was drawn to the contract with Kingdom Security, the first year of which would come to an end on 31st March, 2017, with the Area Council being asked if they would wish the service to continue.  The Area Council Manager took the opportunity to clarify a number of queries previously raised regarding the commission.  The commission employed a single officer full time equivalent, but to ensure safety this had meant that officers patrolled in pairs.  Correspondingly the service was provided 5 days per fortnight by the two officers.  It was noted that often the service was not often very visible, but that this could in part be attributed to officers often being in plain clothes. 


Consideration was given to the progress being made as part of the embankment project.  Members heard that the project had secured a further £40,000 of Section 106 monies, and officers were working with an architect regarding DDA compliant access to the site.



(i)     That the financial position for the Area Council in 2016/17 and 2017/18 be noted;

(ii)    That the progress of previous agreed projects be noted;

(iii)  That the proposed reductions to the Private Sector Housing SLA be approved; and

(iv)  That approval be given for the continuation of the Environmental Enforcement Service for a further 12 months from 1st April, 2017.

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