Agenda item

Capital Programme Performance, Quarter 3 ending 31st December, 2016 (Cab.8.3.2017/9)




(i)        that both the Capital Programme Performance for Quarter Ending 31st December, 2016 and the overall five year Capital Programme positions, as set out in the report now submitted, be noted;


(ii)       that the 2016/17 scheme slippage totalling -£4.284m and scheme re-phasing totalling £2.631m (as detailed in paragraphs 4.4, 4.5 and Appendix B) be approved;


(iii)      that approval be given to the total net decrease in scheme costs in 2016/17 of -£1.187m, (paragraph 4.6 and Appendix B refer); the net increase in scheme costs in future years totalling £0.003m; and the adjustments to the capital programme plans to reflect these changes;


(iv)      that the anticipated increase in the costs for the Town Centre Redevelopment scheme of £3.100m, which is currently reported as unfunded, be noted.  However it is expected that this will be brought back into line by identifying additional resources/savings.  Future reports will update on this position accordingly (paragraph 4.7 refers);


(v)       that the four new proposed schemes totalling £4.001m, as described in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.9 including formal acceptance of HLF grant totalling £2.925m, split between £2.058m capital (paragraph 5.5 refers) and £0.867m revenue be approved; and


(vi)      that the monies for these schemes be released once appropriate approvals have been obtained.



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