Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

The Cabinet is composed of the Leader and eight other councillors, who are all members of the biggest political group on the council. It has overall responsibility for the services that the Council provides and works within the overall policies and budget agreed by the Council. Recommendations on major items of policy and on the annual budget and capital programme are passed to the Council for consideration and approval.  You will find more information in the  Constitution .


The current Cabinet, appointed to run from the Annual Council meeting on 17 May 2024 for the 2024/25 municipal year, is set out below:


Sir Stephen Houghton CBE, Leader of the Council and Chairman of Cabinet


Responsible for:-

·       Appointing the Cabinet and determining responsibility for Executive functions

·       Appointing Area Council Chairs

·       Chairing meetings of the Cabinet

·       Leading on policy and budget matters

·       Issues relating to: Community Strategy and Planning

·       Regeneration (in its broadest sense)

·       Sub-regional, regional, and European issues. 


Email the Leader of the council



Caroline Makinson,  Deputy Leader of the Council and Vice Chair of Cabinet


Responsible for:-

·       Deputising for the Leader of the Council, when needed

·       Issues relating to the Council’s communications


Email the Deputy Leader of the council



Cabinet Spokesperson without Portfolio


Cabinet Member: Sharon Howard


Cabinet Support Member: Anita Cherryholme


Responsible for issues relating to:-


·       Training and development of Elected Members and the provision of the necessary facilities to perform their duties effectively

·       Member representation on and attendance at Council bodies and outside organisations

·       Management and organisation of Cabinet business

·       Member Support within the Core Services Directorate


Email the Cabinet Spokesperson without Portfolio



Core Services


Cabinet Member: Robert Frost


Cabinet Support Member: Roy Bowser 


Responsible for issues relating to:-


·       Taxation and Benefits assessments (including free school meals administration) and Debt Recovery

·       Commercial and Transactional Services including financial assessments; Accounting, Budgeting and Professional and Specialist Finance

·       Risk Management, Internal Audit and Corporate Fraud; Corporate Commissioning, Procurement and Contracting

·       Human Resources and Organisation Development

·       Business Improvement including Business Intelligence

·       Customer Resolution, Barnsley 2030 and Policy, Performance and Equalities

·       Health, Safety and Emergency Resilience

·       Support for Overview and Scrutiny

·       Communications and Marketing

·       Customer Services/Contact Centre

·       Customer Services development

·       Customer Experience and Digital Strategies, web content and design;

·       Information Technology hardware and software development, configuration and maintenance; application training and customer liaison/support

·       IT procurement

·       Business support

·       Business analysis

·       Council's information governance and security

·       Records Management

·       Applications Management and Support (web mobile working)

·       Responsibility for Legal Services & Land Charges, Registration Service, Governance and Elections, Town Twinning and the Governance support to Joint Authorities, and ceremonial aspects of the Registration Service


Email the Core Services Spokesperson



Children’s Services


Cabinet Member: Trevor Cave

Cabinet Support Member:  Ashley Peace


To act as the Designated Leader Member for Children's Services under Section 19 of the Children Act 2004


Responsible for issues relating to:-


·       Education Welfare

·       Social Care and Safeguarding Quality and Standards

·       Children's Social Care

·       Quality Assurance

·       Access, Assessment, CarePlanning andReviews

·       Advocacy;Adoption andFostering

·       Children'sResidential and Leaving Care Service

·       Stronger Families

·       Education Strategic Planning, including School Improvement Strategy

·       Improvement Advisers and Brokerage

·       Early Years and Family Information Services

·       Quality of early years provision and integrated child provision for 2-3 year olds including Children’s centres

·       Special Educational Needs

·       Outdoor Education

·       School Admissions

·       School organisation and school places, including strategies for Academies and Free Schools

·       School Governor Services

·       Leaving Care Services

·       Integrated Youth Services

·       Youth Council, Youth Voice and Participation. 


Email the Children's Services Spokesperson





Environment and Highways


Cabinet Member: James Higginbottom

Cabinet Support Member:  Kevin Osborne


Responsible for issues relating to:-


·       Bereavement Services

·       Waste Management and Recycling

·       Highways and Network Management, Bridges and Footpath Maintenance

·       Trans Pennine Trail

·       Street Lighting

·       Safer Roads/School Crossing Patrol strategy and operations

·       Drainage and Reservoirs and Flood Management

·       Transport Strategy including PTE

·       Transport, including Home to School Travel and Looked After Children and specialist transport

·       Fleet Management

·       Street Cleansing, Litter Picking and Fly Tipping

·       Car Parks and Car Parking

·       Grounds Maintenance, Horticulture and Arboriculture

·       Sports and Active Lifestyle

·       Climate Change 

·       Energy and Sustainability

·       Clean and Green and Parks and Allotments


Email the Environment and Highways Spokesperson



 Regeneration and Culture


Cabinet Member:  Robin Franklin

Cabinet Support Member:  Janine Moyes


Responsible for issues relating to:-


·       Support for Business and Start Up, Business Growth and Inward Investment

·       Regeneration

·       Worklessness, Skills and Enterprise

·       Adult Learning and Apprenticeships

·       Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, including Building Control/Development Control, SYMAS and Highways Development Control

·       Planning Enforcement

·       Strategic asset management including acquisition and disposals

·       Property valuations, condition surveys and management of maintenance

·       Energy and Carbon management

·       Tenanted non-residential property management and management of PFI and BSF schools

·       Community asset transfers and assets of community value

·       Hybrid mail, parcel services and digital printing

·       Building support and porterage (excluding Records Management)

·       Town Centre Management, including Town Centre Market and strategic market development

·       District Markets

·       Housing Strategy and Growth

·       Private Sector Housing, Affordable Housing and Contract and Client Management for Berneslai Homes

·       Culture and Visitor Economy


Email the Regeneration and Culture Spokesperson



Place Health and Adult Social Care


Cabinet Member: Jo Newing

Cabinet Support Member: Abi Moore  


Responsible for issues relating to:-


·       Health and Social Care Integration

·       Adult Assessment and Care Management

·       Safeguarding and Social Workers

·       Assessment Care Planning

·       Self-directed Support Teams

·       Reviews

·       Emergency Duty Team

·       Commissioning

·       Disable Facilities Grants / Equipment and Adaptations

·       Independent Living at Home Services, Day Opportunities and Supporting Living, and Carers Support

·       Sensory Impairment Services


Email the Place Health and Adult Social Care Spokesperson



Public Health and Communities


Cabinet Member: Wendy Cain

Cabinet Support Member: Margaret Sheard


Responsibility for issues relating to:-

·       Licensing matters that fall within the purview of the Executive of the Council

·       Public Health Protection, including Regulatory Services, Trading Standards/Environmental Health, including the Dog Warden service

·       The Core Offer to the Clinical Commissioning Group for Health Care and Health Improvement and Public Health Strategy and Advice

·       Libraries;

·       Welfare Rights, Housing Options

·       Community Safety and Community Enforcement

·       Gypsies and travellers

·       Landlords

·       Community Safety, Domestic Violence, Victim and Witness Support

·       Drugs and Alcohol Service, including Prevention

·       Graffiti Removal

·       Area Councils and Community Engagement, Volunteering and relationship with Third Sector/Private Sector

·       Community Health and Wellbeing and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles

·       Community Cohesion


Email the Public Health and Communities Spokesperson