Agenda and draft minutes

Barnsley Town Board - Wednesday 20 November 2024 12.30 pm

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Venue: Barnsley Civic

Contact: Chris Savage  Urban Centres Programme Manager

No. Item





Edward Naylor, Chief Executive Officer – Naylor Industries PLC


Apologies were received from:


Bob Kirton, Chief Delivery Officer - Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Dan Jarvis MP, Member of Parliament for Barnsley Central

Jon Flatman, Chief Executive Officer – Barnsley Football Club

Ken Coupar, Economic Policy Officer – Barnsley Council

Neil Copley, Director of Finance – Barnsley Council

Sarah Norman, Chief Executive – Barnsley Council

Simon Wanless, Chief Superintendent – South Yorkshire Police




Declaration of Interests


Declarations of Interest

Edward Naylor, Chief Executive Officer – Naylor Industries PLC


  1. None declared.
  2. Declaration of interest forms to be updated / provided if outstanding.


Minutes from the previous meeting


Minutes of the Previous Meeting on 25 July 2024

Lynsey Law, Associate Programme Manager – Barnsley Council



Update on actions from the previous meeting on 25 July 2024:


  1. Decision: The minutes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record – For: Unanimous; Against: None



Long Term Plan For Towns - Programme Update: Budget 2024




Programme Update: Budget 2024

Dominic Jones, Economic Policy Development Officer



  1. (Matt O’Neill) Action: To seek memorandum of understanding with the backing of both MPs to progress a variation for the start of the project.  Letter drafted to be signed by the Leader and the Chair.
  2. To undertake review of 3 year plans ahead of any works being progressed due to ‘root causes of deprivation’ requirement added by central government going forwards.
  3. Next steps: to review the new guidance ahead of works being discussed with partners and central government.
  4. Robust spending plan created to cover the three themes and the previous projects outlined.
  5. Any ‘head room’ in the plan to be put on hold should it be required further down the line rather than being allocated elsewhere from the outset.
  6. To update Board members as and when guidance received and review of three year plan begins.



Government Update




Government Update


Alex Clegg  – Cities & Local Growth Unit


  1. Funding available from 2026 /27. BMBC could consider spending at risk to start the programme earlier.



Street Scene Assessments: Barnsley Town Centre


Street Scene Assessments: Barnsley Town Centre

Jeff Caplan, Managing Director – Storecheckers UK



  1. Any questions following the meeting, please direct via Chris Savage and Jeff will respond.
  2. Statistical research shows that Barnsley Town Centre is improving at a greater rate than comparable areas around the country.
  3. Transport interchange not specifically included as a separate area – to be considered going forward.
  4. (Carrie) How is the data captured as a Commerce survey in the summer highlighted perceived issues for personal safety?  The researchers were not local residents so provided an external perspective.
  5. Highlighted incidents have been incorporated into an action plan overseen by the Urban Centres Operational Management Group


Q2 Town Centre Performance KPIs


Q2 Town Centre Performance KPIs

Chris Savage, Group Leader Programme & Place Management  – Barnsley Council



  1. Place Management is responsible for monitoring place performance data, which enables the Council and its partners to maintain operational standards and strategically develop the town centre, as well as demonstrating the impact of regeneration and transformation programmes. 
  2. Q2 Financial Year 2024/25. On Q1, we have seen improvement in ground floor occupancy and coach trip visitors. We have seen relative stability in the number of town centre visitors, dwell times, and the size of the independent sector.
  3. The total number of visitors in Q2 was 2,385,169. Compared to last year, the data appears stable. Footfall is still higher than pre-pandemic levels.
  4. In terms of demographics, the age and disposable income distribution echoes Q1 except for small increases in 55-64 age group and those with £1,500-2,000 disposable income group.
  5. The number of coach trips visiting Barnsley has doubled since Q2 last year.
  6. Ground floor vacancy rate, Q2 we are at 11.6%, the lowest it has been over five years. We had a net gain of business openings this quarter. Retail, hospitality and personal services continue to be the town centre’s biggest sectors. We have 522 units in the town centre and 62% are independent businesses.
  7. To conclude, it has been a stable quarter. We are hopeful to see an improvement in place performance in Q3 due to the festive period.
  8. (Andrew Corbett) Retail enquiries have increased since September which is resulting in some empty units becoming occupied in the build up to Christmas.
  9. (Penelope) What increases the footfall in the area?  BMBC have a successful annual events calendar as well as the increase in footfall created on match days.
  10. (Andrea) If schools are using the Barnsley Gift Card to reward pupils are these being spent? Independent shops are well represented however, discussions ongoing with national companies.


Actions and Decisions from this meeting


Actions and Decisions from this Meeting

Lynsey Law, Associate Programme Manager – Barnsley Council (Board Administrator)


  1. As above



Forward Plan


Forward Plan

Lynsey Law, Associate Programme Manager – Barnsley Council (Board Administrator)


To be scheduled into the Board agendas throughout 2025 as appropriate.


  1. Review of Town Centre Plan 2021-26 – Economic Development – Not yet scheduled
  2. Evening & Night-Time Economy: Purple Flag 2024 Submission – Public Health / Economic Development – Not yet scheduled.
  3. Getting Home Safely at Night: CCTV in Taxis – Regulatory Services – Not yet scheduled.
  4. Pathways to Work Commission – Employment & Skills – Not yet scheduled.
  5. South Yorkshire Destination Management Plan – Culture & Visitor Economy – Not yet scheduled.



Any Other Business



Edward Naylor, Chief Executive Officer – Naylor Industries PLC


  1. Meeting Dates 2025 to be added to calendars by Board Administrator – may be subject to change dependent upon information received from central government.

Thursday 16th January 1-3pm

Thursday 20th March 1-3pm

Tuesday 13th May 2-4pm

Thursday 17th July 1-3pm

Tuesday 16th September 2-4pm

Thursday 20th November 1-3pm

  1. Action: The Seam – to include on the next agenda ahead of wider public consultation. To add to the forward plan.
  2. Councillor Moyes’ offer to provide walking tours around the town centre area, to be combined with view of where the projects are to be incorporated.
  3. Carrie – Economic Survey for the Chamber of Commerce to be shared with Board members and local businesses.
  4. Alex - Industrial Strategy review, closes early December.  To contact direct if you want to discuss issues.
  5. Informal tour of Barnsley Civic was provided to the Board members following the completion of the works to the front entrance of the building.
  6. Update on previous action regarding ‘Women in Business Network’ The Chamber no longer run a specific network, however, there is appetite to work on options from an Equality Diversity Inclusion perspective which will be more issue and / or project based.  Members to contact Carrie Sudbury direct to discuss if interested.



Tour of Barnsley Civic