
Sustainable Barnsley Workstream, Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 8 October 2024 2.00 pm

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Venue: Council Chamber, Barnsley Town Hall

Contact: Jane Murphy,  Scrutiny Officer

No. Item

Sustainable Barnsley Workstream

Councillors Barnard, Bellamy, Eastwood, Greenhough, Hayward, Hunt, Moore, Murray, O’Donoghue, Sheard, Stowe and Webster.

Administrative and Governance Issues for the Committee


Apologies for Absence - Parent Governor Representatives

To receive apologies for absence in accordance with Regulation 7 (6) of the Parent Governor Representatives (England) Regulations 2001.


Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interest

To invite Members of the Committee to make any declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest in connection with the items on this agenda.


Minutes of Previous Meeting

There are no minutes to present to the Committee due to the proximity of the last meeting,  The minutes of the Full Committee on 1 October will be presented to the Committee for noting on 5 November.

Overview and Scrutiny Issues for the Committee


Findings of the Hospital Park & Ride Feasibility Study - FOR INFORMATION ONLY pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To note a report of the Executive Director Core Services and the Executive Director Growth and Sustainability on the findings of a feasibility study for a Park and Ride Scheme to serve Barnsley Hospital.


Barnsley Council's Asset Management Strategy 2023-28 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider a report (Item 5a) of the Executive Director Core Services and the Executive Director Sustainability & Growth on the Council’s Asset Management Strategy 2023-28 (Item 5b).

Additional documents:

Enquiries to Jane Murphy/Anna Marshall, Scrutiny Officers

