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Venue: Reception Room, Barnsley Town Hall
Contact: Andrew Perriman Service Director Law and Governance
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interests on matters contained within the Agenda Minutes: |
Leader - Call-in of Cabinet decisions Minutes: |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 December 2024 (Cab.08.01.2025/3) PDF 97 KB Minutes: |
Decisions of Cabinet Spokespersons (Cab.08.01.2025/4) Minutes: |
Petitions received under Standing Order 44 (Cab.08.01.2025/5) Minutes: |
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet recommend that Full Council:-
1. Approve the refreshed Berneslai Homes 2021-31 Strategic Plan and the Annual Business Plan for 2025/26; and
2. Agree the Service Director for Regeneration and Culture, in consultation with the Cabinet Spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture, be authorised to approve any minor final amendments or additions to the Strategic Plan/Annual Business Plan (including the final suite of KPI’s for 2025/26 which will align to the Regulator’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures), and associated appendices as may be identified; and
3. Formally accept the findings and Judgement of the recent regulatory inspection by the Regulator of Social Housing and note the key areas of focus for continuous improvement as referenced in the annual business plan. Minutes: |
Housing Revenue Account Budget 2025/26 (Cab.08.01.2025/7) PDF 469 KB RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL ON 06 FEBRUARY 2025 Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet recommend that Full Council approve:-
1. The HRA draft budget business plan for 2025/26 & note the MTFS (Medium Term Financial Strategy), with any final amendments being delegated to the Cabinet Spokesperson for Regeneration and Culture and the Executive Director for Growth & Sustainability in consultation with the Cabinet Spokesperson for Core Services, the Director of Finance (S151 Officer); and Service Director Regeneration and Culture (Client lead for Berneslai Homes); and
2. A rent, non-dwelling rent, service charge and district heating kWh increase of 2.7% in line with the Government’s Rent Cap; and
3. The 2025/26 Berneslai Homes Management Fee totalling £15.940M, plus Gypsy and Traveller Management fee of £0.070M charged to the General Fund. Total £16.010M; and
4. The Core Housing Capital Investment Programme for 2025/26 & 2026/27 totalling £40.812M; and
5. A £5.000M 5 Year Building Safety Compliance programme; and
6. A one year only £5.394M priority Investment for Capital Replacements - £3.305M and Revenue Repairs - £2.089M to fund current demand in 2025/26, whilst maintaining decency standards; and
7. An increase in the revenue repairs annual budget by £2.500M in 2025/26 and £3.500M 2026/27 onwards to fund priority workstreams and increased demand, however it must be noted that perpetual demand cannot be continued to be funded in perpetuity. Minutes: |
Calculation of Council Tax Base 2025/26 (Cab.08.01.2025/8) PDF 141 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
Minutes: |
2025/26 Business Rates - Calculation of the Authority's Local Share (Cab.08.01.2025/9) PDF 129 KB Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
1. Note the process for estimating the retained Business Rate Local Share for 2025/26 and agree that the ‘local share’ for Barnsley will be £32.887M (excluding S31 Grants) in line with the Council’s Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and;
2. Delegate approval of the final submission to the Director of Finance - S151 Officer in consultation with the Cabinet Spokesperson for Core Services. Minutes: |