Agenda and draft minutes

Goldthorpe Town Deal Board - Thursday 14 November 2024 2.00 pm

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Contact: James Eggington  Project Support Officer - Major Projects Team

No. Item




Apologies (14:00-14:02)



Antonio Jamasb can only attend part of the meeting.


Declarations of interest (14:03-14:05)



None declared


Minutes from previous meeting and matters arising (14:06-14:10) pdf icon PDF 135 KB


Note: The previous GTF Board meeting on 19.09.24 was cancelled and so the notes are from the meeting held on 18.07.24


Note: The previous Board meeting on 19.09.2024 was cancelled and so the notes are from the meeting held on 18.07.2024

These minutes were accepted


Membership updates (14:11-14:20)

Welcome to new members


Introduction to guest attendees from MHCLG’s delivery area network (DAN) consultants



Chair welcomed Lynn Utting of Coalfields Regeneration Trust to the Goldthorpe Towns Fund Board to take the place of Andy Lock.

A welcome was also extended to Sophie Moore who is the new Team Leader for the Capital Projects Team.

Introductions were held regarding each board members role on the Board and their experience.


Rebecca Slack from SYMCA has resigned from the board due to capacity restraints and that similar has happened on other Town Boards regarding SYMCA representation.

Board accepts Rebecca Slack’s and SYMCA’s resignation from the Goldthorpe Towns Fund Board, however they requested it be noted that they are disappointed and feel there should be representation at the Board.

·       Dan Harper will cover item 1e: SYMCA Update for future Board meetings

Chair expressed his wish for a SYMCA representative to attend board when possible, for example regarding links to potential opportunities for the ES10 investment site.


Chair has informed board that MHCLG consultants will be attending at 3:30pm for their item.


Government Updates (14:21-14:25)

Justin Homer


Alex Clegg updated on the continuation of local growth funding announced in the budget. This includes the Goldthorpe Towns Deal.

Conversations are ongoing regarding the degree of flexibility around the fund and how the department will support future activity is being reviewed. MHCLG will continue to work with the Delivery Associates Network (DAN) and noted that it is positive to see the Towns Fund Board looking ahead through the planned conversations regarding legacy.

Matthew Stephens asked for clarification on the timeline of the Goldthorpe Towns Fund.

Alex Clegg clarified that the end date is March 2026 for spend to be contractually committed although flexibility of this is being reviewed with the new Government.


SYMCA Updates (14:26-14:30)

Dan Harper


This was covered later in the meeting than scheduled due to Dan Harper being unable to attend at this time.


This item was covered at 14:47.

Dan Harper provided confirmation that investment zones will carry on into 25/26. We will aim to see how this can maximise the benefits for the ES10 site. Awaiting confirmation of what impact the single settlement will have.


Communications Updates (14:31-14:35)

Steph Lee


A presentation was shared for board members only.


Matthew Stephens expressed gratitude for the recent positive media coverage regarding the playhouse and thanked the good work that went into getting these messages out. The Chair referred to his recent letter regarding the negative article in the Barnsley chronicle regarding markets which was published and has been shared with Board. Thanks were extended to the comms team for their hard work and support in this.

Matthew Stephens expressed disappointment in BBC radio Sheffield for their seemingly intentionally negative lines of questioning during a recent interview.


A discussion was held regarding the recent success of the Halloween market and the work being done with the Save the High Street Team to support businesses in the area. Comms regarding the successes coming out of the fund will continue to be regularly communicated out, including upcoming news such as the local artwork opportunities.


Antonio Jamasb joins the meeting.


Josh Clough also extended thanks to comms team for their hard work around the playhouse.


Towns Fund Progress Updates


Progress against previous meetings actions

Please note that this has been attached as a separate document for information purposes only.

Sophie Moore


A summary of progress against previous actions was provided for information.


There were no questions regarding the action update.


Sophie Moore has confirmed the interested operator in the old school site has withdrawn and assets in BMBC are currently investigating what future options for this site are.

It was suggested that the possibility of a meanwhile use should be explored.


No further questions regarding the actions update.



PS Aston joined the meeting at this point.

Dan Harper joined the meeting at this point.



Progress against the Goldthorpe Towns Fund (14:36-14:45)

i. Escalations/Decisions for board

ii.Highlight report

Sophie Moore


The highlight report was shared for Board member information only. The below escalations were discussed:


There is a temporary capacity pressure in BMBC; Programme and project delivery will be priority, with vacant positions being looked to be filled asap.


Housing Retrofit Project - flagged as red following surveys and viability checks. An update is later on the agenda.


An update on MHCLG funded support for Board legacy is on the agenda and will be discussed under item 3b.


The M&E update is on the agenda under item 2c, the GTF Chair has to sign this document to confirm this is shared to board


Phoenix Park red risk - contract meetings will continue until a planning decision is received or back on track?regarding delivery timeline.

The Local Planning Authority (LPA) have requested that Land Trust review the size of the building and ensure that the café is ancillary to the use of the building and the park due in part to its designation as Green Belt.

The Land Trust are in dialog with their Senior Leadership Team as they need to ensure the business remains viable in any adaptation made.  Sponsors have been briefed. The LPA are awaiting amended plans and information to be submitted for consideration prior to a decision being made.


There were queries regarding amending the case and closing the project. Becca Gamble advised that the viability needs to be confirmed but the amendments will still align to the position as written in the Business Case. Dan Harper clarified that new projects are no longer allowed by the funders and at present it should be deliverable in line with original aims.


Phoenix Park underpass - the go ahead has been given to reinstate a mural in the Phoenix Park Underpass.  A confidential email update has been sent to Board members along with an invitation to get in touch if any members want to be involved or have any further information on this.


Monitoring and Evaluation (14:46-15:00)

Becca Gamble


A presentation was shared for Board members only.


The Chair has signed the template to confirm that the board have been sent the information for the M&E return.


Dan Harper covered the SYMCA item detailed above.

Dan also confirmed that the Major Projects team is undergoing a restructure, and has some temporary capacity issues due to vacancies within the team. Plans are in place internally to resolve this.


A discussion was held on SYMCA funding approval for GHP brownfield funding.

A discussion was held regarding the confidential actual spend to date and % total of the TF budget including how this relates to spend for the external partner at Phoenix Park.


Matthew Stephens asked for an update on the progress of the New Access Roundabout art project and signposting.

Suzanne Brough gave details of the art projects and the process of naming the roundabout linked to the engagement for this work.


Heart of Goldthorpe Deep Dive (15:01-15:20)

Includes legacy update on high street/business engagement

Teresa Williams


A presentation was shared for Board members only.


A discussion was held regarding the viability of the current market and of other businesses in the nearby area.

Chris Savage gave details of other markets that BMBC operates, and the lessons that can be learned from them


Details of the art project for shop shutters were provided (NB this is not Towns Funded). Board asked to ensure, where possible, that linkages were made between the different art projects taking place.

Teresa clarified that the art consultants are similar between projects but the types of art being considered are different. Linkages between the different installations are ongoing.



Housing Retrofit Update (15:21-15:25)

Alison Dalton


A presentation was shared for Board members only


Antonio Jamasb left the meeting at this point.


The project is being reviewed as there is viability concerns in meeting the outputs within the funding envelope. This is being discussed with colleagues at CLG to determine options to progress this project. A further update will be provided when possible.


A discussion was held regarding whether costs had ratified.

Jenny Lockwood provided clarification on the contractor for the quotation received being the best estimate possible without going out to market.

Chris Cotney seconded this by advising the costs were comparable to another provider from a different project.


Action – Alison Dalton is also following up on a further contact. 


Rob Allen joined the meeting at this point and introduced himself and gives an overview of his role in the DAN.




Updates from Previous Legacy Items (15:26-15:30) pdf icon PDF 283 KB

·       Youth Engagement

Josh Clough

·       Housing Vision and Sponsor Update

Alison Dalton


i.               Youth engagement

A presentation was shared for Board members only.

An overview was given on the discussions from the youth engagement subgroup. Youth participation is working well at a project level when there is an engagement opportunity, particularly on the art opportunities. The Youth participation Team could work with Board to represent young people, but would need to know what it is that Board would like from them


Stacey Chaplin enquired if we are engaging with college for youth support.

Josh Clough advised that BMBC have engaged with local schools and further opportunities will be developed at project level based on what is needed.


Suzanne Brough provided an update on the added social value from one of the CIF project grant agreements. They are very enthusiastic about Youth Engagement and future opportunities.


All Board members are already invited to the youth engagement subgroup where interactions are discussed in more detail, which is held twice a year.


Jai Lane joined the meeting and gave an overview of her specialism and role in the consultant team.


ii.             Housing vision sponsorship update

Alison Dalton


This item was covered under AOB.


Legacy discussion with MHCLG consultants (15:31-15:55)

Chair/Dan Harper/MHCLG Consultants


MHCLG consultants/Chair/Dan Harper


A presentation was shared for Board members only. This outlined the work the consultants have been commissioned to do through support funded directly by MHCLG (ie it is not funded through Goldthorpe’s Town Deal funding). The focus is to support the Board on the longer-term options for the Board (beyond March 26) and a transition plan to that point.

Action – James to set up 121s with Board members for individual discussions


Josh Clough left the meeting.


Dan Harper advised the default position of the Board is that it ends in March 2026 but due to the good work of the board, the wider benefits need to be considered and whether members wish to continue beyond this date, perhaps in another capacity.

The consultants proposed the workshop will put all options on the table initially. Alignment will be made to the plans for the Principal Towns programme and the Goldthorpe and Barnsley Dearne Housing vision for 2040. Discussions to begin this alignment have already begun.


Josh Clough rejoined the meeting.


Decision – the 17th of December AM proposed for the in-person workshop,


Action - Josh Clough offered to find out if the playhouse basement space can host the workshop session.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 95 KB

30th January 2025



Goldthorpe Housing Project Deep Dive

- Copy of presentation

- Summary slide highlighting Key discussion points and

actions/decisions required

with agenda, week before meeting

Housing Retrofit Deep Dive

- Copy of presentation

- Summary slide highlighting Key discussion points and

actions/decisions required

with agenda, week before meeting

27th March 2025

Face to Face


Employment Land Deep Dive

- Copy of presentation

- Summary slide highlighting Key discussion points and

actions/decisions required


with agenda, week before meeting



Board Date

Suggested Format

Agenda Item alongside ongoing items

30th January 2024




Goldthorpe Housing Project Deep Dive


Housing Retrofit Deep Dive


27th March 2025

Face to Face

Location TBC

Commercial Investment Fund Deep Dive



Any Other Business (15:56-16:00)


Housing vision sponsorship update. Following the expression of interest exercise, Matthew Stephens was the only applicant to be the sponsor and Housing are pleased to accept this offer.

Alison Dalton gave an update on the pipeline plans to develop the vision. Key sites can be reviewed as part of the work.


End of meeting

Date of next meeting: 30th January 2pm (Teams)