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Venue: Council Chamber, Barnsley Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Sukdave Ghuman Service Director Law and Governance
No. | Item |
Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests Additional documents: Minutes: |
Leader - Call-in of Cabinet decisions Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 April 2023 (Cab.31.5.2023/3) PDF 84 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Decisions of Cabinet Spokespersons (Cab.31.5.2023/4) PDF 82 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Petitions received under Standing Order 44 (Cab.31.5.2023/5) PDF 67 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: |
Household Support Fund Grant - April 2023 to March 2024 (Cab.31.5.2023/6) PDF 194 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
1. Notes the grant conditions associated with the use of the Household Support Grant, as set out in section 2.1 to 2.4; and
2. Agrees to the proposed spending plan set out in section 2.5; and
3. Agrees to proceed with the priority schemes as outlined in 2.5.3; and
4. Authorises that the Director of Finance S151 Officer make any necessary amendments to the scheme following receipt of any changes to the guidance and funding allocation and approve the redistribution of underspends to ensure funding is maximised to support the borough within the period of the grant. Minutes: |
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
1. Approves the proposed change of increasing the number of National Management Trainees (NMTs) on the NGDP to three new NMT places every year as a rolling programme, commencing with the cohort intake starting September 2023; and
2. Agrees funding for three National Management Trainees (NMTs) placements every year from the council’s budget as a yearly rolling programme starting from 2023 to 2027, when the programme will be further reviewed at a cost of £228,600 per annum from 2024/25 (subject to cost increases and pay awards). Minutes: |
Annual Review of the Sufficiency of Child Care Places in the Borough (Cab.31.5.2023/8) PDF 166 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet notes the outcomes of the annual review of the sufficiency of early years provision in the Borough and endorses the actions to be taken to maintain resilience within the sector which supports the sustainability of provision as indicated in Section 4 of the report. Minutes: |
Adult Social Care Fee Uplift 2023/24 and Market Sustainability Plan (Cab.31.5.2023/9) PDF 241 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
1. Considers the approach taken in respect of the various adult care and support provision and approves the uplift in care provider fees for 2023/24 as outlined in section 3 of this report; and
2. Notes the submission made to DHSC around the Market Sustainability Plan. Minutes: |
Planning Enforcement Policy - Update (Cab.31.5.2023/10) PDF 117 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet adopts the updated Planning Enforcement Policy. Minutes: |
RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL ON 27 JULY 2023 Additional documents:
RESOLVED that Cabinet refers the report to Full Council for approval to adopt the updated Design of Housing SPD. Minutes: |
RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL ON 27 JULY 2023 Additional documents:
RESOLVED that Cabinet refers the report to Full Council for authority to adopt the Sustainable Construction and Climate Change Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document. Minutes: |
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet gives approval to consult on the updated Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document. Minutes: |
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet gives approval to consult on the updated Financial Contributions to Schools Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Minutes: |
House Extensions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Update (Cab.31.5.2023/15) PDF 242 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet gives approval to consult on the updated House Extensions SPD. Minutes: |
Exclusion of Public and Press It is likely that the public and press will be excluded from this meeting during consideration of the items so marked because of the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by the specific paragraphs of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended, subject to the public interest test. Additional documents: Minutes: |
Goldthorpe Housing Project (Towns Fund Project D) (Cab.31.5.2023/17)
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
1. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Growth and Sustainability to approve the preparation and progress of any necessary statutory procedures and permissions required to deliver the project up to the completion of the final design stage; and
2. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Core Services, in consultation with the Service Director for Regeneration and Culture to seek tenders for any aspect of the delivery of the project for works and professional services up to the completion of the final design stage; and
3. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Core Services to undertake preparatory work for a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO), noting that should the making of a CPO become necessary this will be brought forward for approval via a separate Cabinet Report; and
4. Delegates authority to the Group Leader Assets to enter into negotiations and to acquire any interests in land not in the ownership of the local authority necessary to enable the completion of the final project design; and
5. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Core Services to negotiate, conclude and execute on behalf of the council any document or agreement required to give effect to the delegations contained in this report; and
6. Delegates approval of any amendments to the details contained within the full business case that may arise during project delivery, along with the approval of any other full business cases to maximise the Town Deal financial settlement including the acceptance of any additional match funding to the councils Section 151 Officer in consultation with Executive Director of Growth and Sustainability, the Towns Deal Board and councils Capital Oversight Board; and
7. Gives approval to create an additional 1-year fixed term Project Officer at Grade 6 and then recruit to it; and
8. Gives approval to progress the procurement of enabling works packages for the scheme with appointment and works subject to further Cabinet approval. Minutes: |