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Contact: Sukdave Ghuman Service Director Law and Governance
No. | Item |
Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests Additional documents: Minutes: |
Leader - Call-in of Cabinet decisions Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 October 2022 (Cab.2.11.2022/3) PDF 89 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Decisions of Cabinet Spokespersons (Cab.2.11.2022/4) Additional documents: Minutes: |
Petitions received under Standing Order 44 (Cab.2.11.2022/5) PDF 56 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Strengthening Children's Services (Cab.2.11.2022/6) PDF 167 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:
1. Acknowledges and notes the outcomes of the review of children’s services in Barnsley;
2. Supports the proposal outlined in section 4 of this report and the actions within the development plan. This will include submitting quarterly children’s services performance and financial reports for Cabinet’s consideration; and
3. Agrees to the required investment to support the development and improvement of the service, noted particularly in section 5 of the report. Minutes: |
First Homes - Affordable Home Ownership Scheme (Cab.2.11.2022/7) PDF 142 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
1. Approves the publication of the First Homes Technical Note (including local connection criteria) as an appendix to the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2022;
2. Approves the implementation of a fee charging system to cover administration costs for initial and subsequent sale of First Homes; and
3. Delegates authority to the Head of Strategic Housing, Sustainability and Climate Change, and Group Leader Strategic Housing and Growth to approve First Homes sales, and review and adjust local eligibility criteria as required. Minutes: |
Local Plan Review (Cab.2.11.2022/8) PDF 325 KB RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL ON 24 NOVEMBER 2022 Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the report be recommended to Full Council to endorse the Local Plan Review. This is to retain the Local Plan in its current form until a further review is undertaken prior to the end of 2027. Minutes: |
Sustainable Construction and Climate Change Adaptation Draft SPD (Cab.2.11.2022/9) PDF 206 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that approval be given to consult on the Sustainable Construction and Climate Change Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document. Minutes: |
Youth Employment Programme – Progress Update (Cab.2.11.2022/10) PDF 185 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet: -
Recognises the positive impact of the YEP for many
of our Barnsley young people, supporting their progression into
paid employment or apprenticeships. The Council have recently won
an award from the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) for its
programme; 2.
Acknowledges the commitment and engagement from
numerous services and teams across the Council and Berneslai Homes in creating these opportunities for
our young people; and 3.
Considers and approves the recommended option
presented within this report (option 2), enabling the Council to
build on the success and impact of the YEP in a sustainable way
by: a.
Implementing a Senior Leadership ‘Inclusive
Offer Pledge’ b. Re-purposing ringfenced corporate apprentice budget ‘In-year’ underspend can be used to create other paid work experience/placements for care leavers Any
underspend at the end of the financial year to be earmarked and
used in the following financial year to create paid work
experience/placements for any young people aged 16-24 who are
NEET c. Converting x20 entry level positions into paid work placements Minutes: |
Exclusion of Public and Press Appendix A to agenda item 12 is exempt. Therefore, if necessary when considering that item, the Chair will move the following resolution:-
That under Section 100(A) 4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of such Act indicated, as now amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006. Additional documents: Minutes: |
City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement – Revenue Funding (Cab.2.11.2022/12) PDF 212 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
Authorises the acceptance of the overall City Region
Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) allocated funding of
£70.3m for the development of the list of schemes shown in
Appendix A (exempt) of the report, the Highway Maintenance Block
(HMB) and the Local and Neighbourhood Transport Complementary
Programme (LNTCP) funding; 2. Authorises the Executive Director of Core Services, in consultation with the Executive Director of Growth and Sustainability, where appropriate and compliant with BMBC processes, to:-
negotiate the terms, conditions of, and final
approval of any Grant funding agreement, for the delivery of the
Barnsley CRSTS proposed schemes set out in Appendix A of the
report; b.
conclude the approval and funding processes with
SYMCA, appoint consultants to assist with the delivery of schemes,
accept tenders, appoint where necessary a contractor to implement
the delivery of the proposed schemes, subject to the costs being
contained within the Grant Funding Agreement; c.
where necessary, apply for any necessary consents,
licence arrangements, footpath diversions, traffic regulation
orders, closure orders, prepare details of and publish a Side Roads
Order under sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980 to deal
with any required changes to the existing highway network to
accommodate the scheme, to submit any orders to the Secretary of
State for Transport for confirmation and to take all necessary
steps to secure confirmation of any Order including (if necessary)
supporting the Order at a local public inquiry; and d.
give approval to make a Compulsory Purchase Order
under section 239 of the Highways Act 1980 (if necessary) and if
needed, to use the enforcement provisions provided to secure the
necessary land to construct any of the schemes listed in Appendix A
of the report. 3.
The Head of Property be authorised to: a.
Enter into negotiations with any private
landowner(s) to acquire privately owned land or property and enter
into agreements to occupy land not in the ownership of the local
authority. Give approval to make a Compulsory Purchase Order under
section 239 of the Highways Act 1980 (if necessary) and if need be,
to use the enforcement provisions provided to secure the necessary
land to construct any of the schemes listed in Appendix A of the
report; and b.
to complete any variation to any existing leases on
the occupation of land owned by the local authority, if required,
and where necessary negotiate compensation payments to facilitate
the delivery of the proposed Barnsley CRSTS schemes. 4.
The Executive Director for Growth and Sustainability
be authorised to: a.
develop and submit the Barnsley CRSTS schemes for
Strategic Outline and Full business case as detailed in the
appendices to this report, noting that all submitted schemes are
still subject to detailed design and cost reviews by
submit any change variation requests to SYMCA in
relation to the schemes; c.
where necessary to retain external grant funding
secured, whilst ensuring that the overall aims and objectives of
the scheme are achieved; d. be authorised to seek any necessary ... view the full decision text for item 124. Minutes: |