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Contact: Martin McCarthy Service Director Governance, Member and Business Support
No. | Item |
Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests Additional documents: Minutes: |
Leader - Call-in of Cabinet decisions Additional documents: Minutes: |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 November 2021 (Cab.17.11.2021/3) PDF 225 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Decisions of Cabinet Spokespersons (Cab.17.11.2021/4) Additional documents: Minutes: |
Petitions received under Standing Order 44 (Cab.17.11.2021/5) Additional documents: Minutes: |
Adult Social Care Market Position Statement (Cab.17.11.2021/6) PDF 371 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
Supports the revision of the Adult Social Care
Market Position Statement; and 2. Notes the change in delivery of the Market Position Statement from a paper-based document to a web page. Minutes: |
Private Sector Housing Plan 2030 (Cab.17.11.2021/7) PDF 529 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
Supports the ambition for our residents living in
the private sector that ‘Homes in Barnsley are safe, warm and
sustainable and people feel invested in and connected to their home
and local community’; and 2. Endorses the overall Private Sector Housing Plan encompassing 4 primary commitments and the implementation of the delivery plan. Minutes: |
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet considered and noted the outcomes of the Early Independent Review together with the action to be taken by the Local Authority in response, as outlined particularly in Paragraphs 4.10 to 4.13 of the report. Minutes: |
A635 Quality Bus Corridor Scheme; Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) (Cab.17.11.2021/9) PDF 311 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
Notes the progress on the delivery of the Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT) scheme; 2.
Authorises Council officers to take over the design
work on the BRT scheme with the agreement of the SYPTE (Option 1)
as per Paragraph 6 of the report; 3.
Approves acceptance of future grant funding post
Outline Business Case for £0.950m to progress the scheme to
Full Business Case (detailed design, planning consent, Stats
diversions, TRO’s etc); 4.
Agrees a “break clause” prior to going
out to tender and seek approval from SMT, once costs are
established to ensure no cost overruns in order to mitigate
associated risks to the Council; and 5. Agrees that If costs are within the indicative budget allocation (Para 7.11 of the report) then at this stage tender documents be prepared to procure contractors to deliver the works and that on the receipt of the final tender price, a Full Business Case be submitted to the SYMCA. Minutes: |
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet approval is given to consult on the Supplementary Planning Documents and Planning Advice Notes covered in the report. Minutes: |
Exclusion of Public and Press It is likely that the public and press will be excluded from this meeting during consideration of the items so marked because of the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by the specific paragraphs of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended, subject to the public interest test.
Additional documents: Minutes: |
Schools Catering Strategic Review (Cab 17.11.21/12)
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet:-
Approves that the Council continues to provide a
schools catering service in line with the proposals outlined in the
body of this report 2.
Notes and agree the findings and recommendations
outlined in the body of this report; 3.
Notes the progress made to date and the efficiencies
delivered since 2019; 4.
Notes the risks and opportunities potentially
arising for the service; 5.
Notes the wider Public Health benefits and alignment
to Corporate Priorities that a Schools Catering service can bring;
and 6. Agrees that a report will be brought back in 2023/24 to provide an update on the position of the service. Minutes: |