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Venue: Reception Room - Barnsley Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Peter Mirfin Governance Manager
No. | Item |
Declaration of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Minutes: Councillor O’Donoghue declared a pecuniary interest in areas considered under minute number 15 due to related to his employment by Age UK. He therefore took no part in discussions or decisions which related to areas where Age UK were, or could be involved. |
Procurement and Financial Update (Cen.07.08.2024/2) PDF 133 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Area Council Manager introduced the report, reminding Members of the previous meeting where the priorities for the Area Council from 2025-2028 had been agreed.
The report had been developed considering the discussion at the priority setting workshops, and the potential ways to deliver against the needs identified in the area.
The Area Council Manager referred to each of the priorities, and the recommendations proposed to deliver against them. Suggested levels of finance were also put forward. The amount being put forward towards each priority was noted, as well as that for each service or project.
Members noted the small amount of finance to be carried forward and the proposals to safeguard this as a contingency in case any urgent need be identified, or for the eventuality of cost overruns. It was acknowledged that any finance carried forward would remain ringfenced to the Area Council. Members also heard how efforts would be made to increase the annual budget allocation of £500,000 where possible, should other sources of external funding become available.
Those present discussed different options to procure services, including through providing grants, entering into Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and through formal tendering arrangements. The merits of each, and potential drawbacks, were also discussed. Members considered each proposal in turn and discussed these at length.
In relation to providing a £10,000 per annum fund to support the overarching priority, Healthy and Vibrant communities, responding quickly to emerging priorities, Members were in support.
Members then considered the priority, Healthier Communities. With regards to the £40,000 per annum allocated to provide a Welfare Rights Service, Members discussed whether this was adequate to provide a face-to -face service, which was preferred. A suggestion was made to increase the allocation to this, and to reduce that allocated towards other services to support vulnerable people. In relation to the latter, it was noted that engagement events would be held to gain local intelligence to help shape any future delivery.
With regards to the Learning Communities priority, Members supported the allocation of £70,000 per year towards detached youth work and £60,000 per year to support young people to transition from primary to secondary school. It was noted that the latter would need to take into account local sufficiency assessments and would necessarily mean a different approach from that currently taken was required.
In relation to supporting efforts to reduce barriers and support individuals to take a step closer to employment, it was suggested that this fund be piloted for one year, with decisions to be taken for up to £1,000 by the Area Council Manager, following consultation with the Area Chair. Any decisions above this threshold would be taken by the Area Council Manager following consultation with all Members of the Area Council.
To deliver against the Safe and Enjoyable Communities priority, Members supported the suggestion to enter into a Service Level Agreement with the Safer Neighbourhoods Service to employ two Housing and Cohesion officers, continuing the positive work in this area at a cost of ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |