Issue - meetings

Long Term Plan for Towns

Meeting: 24/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 47)

47 Long Term Plan for Towns (Cab.24.7.2024/8) pdf icon PDF 314 KB

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RESOLVED that Cabinet:-


1.    Approves the Barnsley Town Board as the consultative body for the Long-Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) programme, as required by the Government; and


2.    Notes the geographical boundary of the LTPT programme focuses on the Barnsley Urban Area as instructed by the Government, agreed in consultation with the Barnsley Town Board, and subsequently formally approved by Government; and


3.    Delegates authority to the Director of Finance to accept £19.259 million funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government for the LTPT programme over the next 10-years; and


4.    Delegates authority to the Executive Director for Growth & Sustainability to approve the LTPT Investment Plan 2024-2027 in consultation with the Barnsley Town Board; and


5.    Delegates authority to the Executive Director for Growth & Sustainability to approve the LTPT 10-Year Vision 2024-2034 in consultation with the Barnsley Town Board.
