Issue - meetings

Proposed de-commissioning of the Multi-Systemic Therapy Service

Meeting: 13/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 51)

Decommissioning of the Multi-Systemic Therapy Service (Cab.13.1.2021/12)

Additional documents:




(i)        that the outcome of the review of Barnsley’s Multi-Systemic TherapyService, as detailed in the report now submitted, be noted;


(ii)       that approval be given for the de-commissioning of the Multi-Systemic Therapy Service with effect from 14February 2021;


(iii)      that approval be given for the financial resources currently allocated to this Service to be re-invested elsewhere in the Children’s Services system in supporting vulnerable children between2021-2023; and


(iv)      that approval be given for the financial resources to be offered up as part of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy as part of Children’s Services future cost savings in2023/24.
