Issue - decisions

Pupil Place Planning

07/04/2017 - Options Appraisal to Address Primary and Secondary School Pupil Place Planning Challenges (Cab.5.4.2017/16)



(i)        that the options appraisal to address Primary and Secondary School pupil place planning challenges, detailed in the report now submitted be noted and further development of feasibility work on the preferred options be supported;


(ii)       that a two-phase approach to the issues outlined be recommended with the more urgent secondary issues addressed as Phase 1 and the primary issues as Phase 2, as detailed below:-


Phase 1

·         Working in collaboration with a potential town centre based Secondary Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) to establish a new secondary free school as part of the Town Centre Regeneration project which will accommodate additional pupils entering secondary from the primary phase.

·         Working in collaboration with a potential new West of town Secondary MAT to accommodate the remainder of additional pupils entering secondary from the primary phase.


Phase 2

·         Working in collaboration with a potential new West of town MAT to potentially accommodate additional primary pupils on the mixed-use site (MU 1) should the site be allocated in the Local Plan.