Issue - decisions

Local Plan

04/08/2017 - Local Plan - Progress and Update of Local Development Scheme (Cab.5.4.2017/13)

Moved by Councillor Miller - Seconded by Councillor Frost; and




(i)        that the timescales in the current Local Development Scheme, as detailed in the report now submitted, be approved with effect from 25th May, 2017;


(ii)       that the Head of Planning and Building Control be delegated authority to amend and bring into effect any updates to the Local Development Scheme as required during the Local Plan examination in public process, the effective dates for any amendment to the scheme to be specified in the relevant decision record, and to reflect progress on a South Yorkshire Joint Waste Plan; and


(iii)      that the Head of Planning and Building Control be delegated authority to make a formal request to the Inspector under section 20(7C) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) to recommend main modifications to ensure the Local Plan meets the tests of soundness.



07/04/2017 - Local Plan - Progress and Update of Local Development Scheme (Cab.5.4.2017/13)



(i)        that the timescales in the current Local Development Scheme, as detailed in the report now submitted, be noted;


(ii)       that the Head of Planning and Building Control be delegated authority to amend the Local Development Scheme as required during the Local Plan examination and to reflect progress on a South Yorkshire Joint Waste Plan;


(iii)      that the Head of Planning and Building Control be delegated authority to make a formal request to the Inspector under section 20(7C) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) to recommend main modifications to ensure the Local Plan meets the tests of soundness;


(iv)      that approval be given to extend the Programme Officer post to the end of 2017/18; and


(v)       that following the Fixing our Broken Housing Market White Paper, the 20% increase in planning fees from July 2017 be implemented.