Agenda item

Questions by Elected Members

To consider any questions which may have been received from Elected Members and which are asked pursuant to Standing Order No. 11.


The Chief Executive reported that she had received the following question from Councillor G Carr in accordance with Standing Order No. 11.


‘What happens to white goods collected by Waste Management?


Where is the disposal company located that they are sent to for disposal?


Are you confident that they are disposed of ethically?’


Councillor Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place stated that all fridges were sent for recycling at SIMS Recycling Solutions, Stalybridge.  All non-refrigeration white goods were dealt with as scrap metal by European Metal Recycling (EMR), Sheffield.  The Council held copies of the Environmental Licences for all premises where waste was sent and stressed that the Environment Agency ensured that all materials at licensed sites were disposed of according to the law.


He commented further that the Council was currently beginning to pilot a scheme to reuse some items from household waste sites and this may include white goods in good workable condition.


Councillor G Carr, commented that she was aware of a recycling company within her ward area which was a cause of concern and she asked if the Cabinet Spokesperson could investigate this matter.


The Cabinet Spokesperson stated that an appropriate investigation would be undertaken and Councillor G Carr would be provided with a written response.