Agenda item

Corporate Performance Report, Quarter 2 ending 30th September, 2016 (Cab.30.11.2016/7)




(i)        that the Corporate Plan Performance Report for Quarter 2 covering the period July to September 2016, in relation to the delivery of the Corporate Plan priorities and outcomes, as detailed in the report now submitted, be noted;


(ii)       that the follow-up reports arising from the Quarter 2 report be received at some point in the future:-


·         Empty homes returned to use

·         Cultural income (visitor economy)

·         Employment opportunities for those most vulnerable (care leavers)

·         Placement Sufficiency Strategy – internal foster carers

·         Progress of the Customer Services programme

·         Delayed transfers of care;


(iii)      that the report be shared with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to inform and support their ongoing work programme; and


(iv)      that the refreshed Corporate Plan 2017-20, attached at Appendix A to the report, be approved.

Supporting documents: