Agenda item

Service and Financial Planning 2017/18 - Revenue Budget, Capital Programme and Council Tax (Cab.8.2.2017/7)





(i)      that the report of the Director of Finance, Assets and Information Services under Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 at Section 1 be noted and that the 2017/18 budget proposals be agreed on the basis that the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team (SMT), in consultation with Cabinet Spokespersons, submit for early consideration detailed proposals from the ongoing activity in order that the potential budget gaps in 2018/19 and the longer term be closed;


(ii)     that the Overview of Financial Planning for 2020 report and forecast budget positions for 2017/18 to 2019/20 contained in Section 2 be noted and monitored as part of the arrangements for the delivery of the Future Council 2020;


(iii)    that the budget proposals for all services for 2017/18 – 2019/20, as detailed in Sections 4 and 5 of the report submitted, be approved, subject to the submission of detailed implementation reports, as appropriate;


(iv)    that the 2020 Directorate spending plans outlined in Section 6 be noted;


(v)     that the proposed savings in 2018/19 and 2019/20 be agreed subject to further consideration in future budget processes taking account of any further Equality Impact Assessments;


(vi)    that the total additional specific funded capital investment of £23.1m as outlined at Section 7 be included within the capital programme and released subject to further detailed reports on the proposals for its use;


(vii)   that the future Council Investment requirements as outlined in Table 1 at Section 7 be agreed to progress to full business cases and be considered by Cabinet on a case by case basis.  At this stage approval up to the resources currently available of £31.7m be considered;


(viii)  that the fees and charges set out in Appendix 1 of Section 8 of the report be approved from 1st April, 2017 or later in 2017/18 as applicable;


(ix)    that Section 10 (Position on Reserves, Provisions and Balances) be noted;


(x)     that the Aggregated Equality Impact Assessment at Section 11 of the proposals be noted and the proposed mitigation actions in the report be approved;


(xi)    that the cash limited budgets for each service with overall net expenditure for 2017/18 of £166.201m, as detailed at Section 4, be approved;


(xii)   that the Chief Executive and SMT, in consultation with the Cabinet Spokespersons as appropriate, be required to submit reports into Cabinet as a matter of urgency, in relation to the detailed General Fund Revenue Budget for 2017/18 including recommendations on any action further to that set out above required to achieve an appropriately balanced budget for that financial year;


(xiii)  that the Chief Executive and SMT be responsible for managing their respective budgets including ensuring the implementation of savings proposals;


(xiv)  that the Chief Executive and SMT, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Spokesperson, be required to submit regular reports as necessary on the implementation of proposals into Cabinet as a matter of urgency to resolve any outstanding issues in relation to their budgets and deal with any consequential effects;


(xv)   that the Authority’s SMT be charged with ensuring that the budget remains in balance and report regularly into Cabinet on budget/savings monitoring including any action required;


(xvi)  that Cabinet be authorised to make any necessary technical adjustments to form the 2017/18 budget; and


(xvii)that appropriate consultation on the agreed budget proposals takes place with the Trade Unions and representatives of Non-Domestic Ratepayers and that the views of consultees be considered by Cabinet and the Council.


(B)      Council Tax 2017/18




(i)      that the contents of Section 9 of the report (2017/18 Council Tax calculation) of the Director of Finance, Assets and Information Services now submitted, be noted;


(ii)     that the Council Tax Collection Fund net surplus as at 31st  March 2016 relating to BMBC of £1.615M be used to reduce the 2017/18 Council Tax requirement, in line with statute;


(iii)    that the 2017/18 Band D Council Tax increase for Barnsley MBC's services be set at 4.9% (1.9% for Barnsley MBC services and an additional 3% for the Chancellor's Adult Social Care levy);


(iv)    that the Band D Council Tax for Barnsley MBC's areas be determined following confirmation of the South Yorkshire Police Authority and South Yorkshire Fire Authority precepts for 2017/18; and


(v)     that the Band D Council Tax for areas of the Borough with Parish/Town Councils be determined following confirmation of individual parish precepts for 2017/18.

Supporting documents: