Agenda item

Outcome of the Remodel and Tendering of Substance Misuse Harm Reduction, Treatment and Recovery Service for Barnsley (Cab.16.11.2016/14)




(i)        that approval be given to the selection of the preferred supplier to be awarded the contract for Substance Misuse Harm Reduction, Treatment and Recovery Service for Barnsley, as detailed in the report now submitted; and


(ii)       that approval be given to fund the cost of change to the sum of approximately £327,000 subject to confirmation of the final figure.


(Note: In accordance with Part 2, Paragraph 5(6) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the Chair of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee had given approval for the above item to be considered at a private meeting of Cabinet where it had not been possible to give 28 days’ notice).