Agenda item

Family Centres: Developing a Model of Early Help for Families in Barnsley - Review and Progress (Cab.2.11.2016/11)




(i)        that the overview of the first six months of operation of the Family Centre service (from 1st April, 2016 to 30th September, 2016), as detailed in the report now submitted, be noted;


(ii)       that the implementation of the recommendations agreed at Cabinet on 9th September, 2015 be noted, as follows:-


·         A new service delivery model had been implemented based on Family Centre main, linked and outreach sites.


·         Services are now offered and continue to be developed across the extended age range of pre-birth to 19 years old (25 years old if the young person has a disability).


·         Family Centre main sites are designated as ‘Children’s Centres’ in order to meet the statutory duty to ensure sufficient Children’s Centres and therefore are regulated and inspected by Ofsted under the current inspection framework for Children’s Centres.  This relates to services for children pre-birth to 5 years old.


·         Services for families continue to be offered on a Borough-wide basis including on site and outreach in communities and within the home.


·         The Council ceased to directly deliver childcare in the areas agreed where demand can be met by the private, voluntary and maintained sector, in line with statutory guidance that the Council should be the provider of last resort.


·         The Council is delivering early education and care for 2, 3 and 4 years old on a sessional, term time only basis in the areas agreed, where there is a need to do so due to sufficiency.


·         The Council has de-commissioned the external providers of Children’s Centres; and


(iii)      that updated information on the availability of alternative childcare provision be issued for use by parents and carers.

Supporting documents: