Agenda item

Economic Regeneration Project Development - agree next steps


Concerns were expressed regarding the marketing campaign, targeted mail shots and web-based booking system recommended by BBIC in respect of the business support review.  It was felt that more information was required.


A discussion took place regarding the next steps in respect of the Private Sector Enforcement Service.  Members were generally supportive of progressing the project, as there appears to be a need for this in the North Area, with the proviso that there will be a legacy.





(i)         The Area Council Manager be tasked with providing more information regarding the marketing and promotion for the North Area Business Support Review together with the level of involvement and commitment required from the North Area Council;


(ii)        The Area Council Manager be tasked with taking the Private Sector Enforcement Service to the next stage in order to establish the level of need, working with Council services for advice regarding setting up the specification.