Agenda item

Community Magazine (Sac.02.09.2016/8)


The item was introduced by the Area Council Manager, who reminded the meeting of the original approval to pilot the Community Magazine for two issues.  The cost associated with the magazine were solely relating to its distribution to every household in the South Area.


Members noted that the magazine would continue to be free to produce, due to the costs associated being funded through selling advertising space in the magazine.  However, distribution costs remained and indications were that these were likely to be in the region of £6,178.30 for 2 issues to be distributed by Royal Mail. The Area Council Manager suggested that other suppliers ought to be considered if possible.


The meeting discussed the merits of producing the magazine, and the consensus was to produce two further editions.  However, it was suggested that following the next two issues an evaluation ought to be undertaken to assess its effectiveness.



(i)        that two further editions of the Community Magazine be produced;

(ii)       that authority be given to the Interim Executive Director to procure distribution of 2 issues of the Community Magazine to each household in the South Area, at a cost of up to £6,178.30;

(iii)      that, following the production and distribution of the magazine, an exercise be undertaken to evaluate its effectiveness.

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