Agenda item

Performance Report (Sac.02.09.2016/6)


The item was introduced by the Area Council Manager. 


In considering the outcomes for South Area Council commissions overall, Members noted that 1860 litter picks had been completed; over 800 environmental projects completed; over 1500 Fixed Penalty Notices issued for littering; and over 100 Fixed Penalty Notices issued for dog fouling.  It was acknowledged that the numbers of people issued with notices for dog fouling had increased due to an increase in intelligence supplied by the public.


It was noted that 200 adults had volunteered in activity associated with the commissions, mostly with the Tidy Team, and to date there had been over £74,000 of income due to enforcement activity.  Members also noted that 90% of the Area Council finance had been spent locally.


Members were reminded that the Tidy Team had been re-contracted, and this would run from 1st August, 2016 to 31st March, 2017.  It was noted that this could be extended if finance was available and the need remained.


With regards to the work of the Tidy Team, the meeting discussed issues associated with the Burton Building. It was agreed to discuss this in more detail, including the most appropriate response to the issue, outside the meeting.


The Tidy Team had attended and supported many of the galas held in the area over the summer, as well as supporting work at Martha’s Yard and Loxley Gardens. Members noted the positive work also being undertaken to improve Rockingham Court, which was being led by a resident volunteer.  Members also heard about the work the Team was involved in with local schools.


Members noted that signs were now in place to highlight where green areas were maintained by volunteers.  It was agreed that Members would forward any feedback as to whether this acted as a deterrent to littering.


Members discussed the contract with Kingdom Security and it was noted that new members of staff would be trained in October in order to administer Parking Charge Notices.  It was noted a new supervisor had started for the area, and would be taking part in the Tidy Team steering group.


With regards to the work of the One Stop Shop, feedback remained positive.  It was noted that the contract expired on 31st March, 2017. If members wish to provide this service after this date it was noted that this would need to be retendered in the autumn.  The sessions held in the early evening continued to be in high demand, and Members heard that those using the service often were accruing larger amounts of debt in shorter amounts of time.


The meeting received feedback on the Summer Internship.  Despite the hard work and dedication of C+K Careers, only approximately 50% of places had been filled.  Disappointingly if was felt that many children did not want to forgo 2 weeks of their summer holidays, however the feedback from those who chose to engage was extremely positive.  It was agreed that careful consideration ought to be given before agreeing to commission anything similar in the future.


RESOLVED that the report be received and the progress of all commissions be noted.

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