Agenda item

Economic Regeneration - Project Development Update


The Area Council Manager updated the North Area Council regarding the development of the Economic Regeneration Project – Small Business Survey Proposal. The aim of the project is to collate information to determine if there is an appetite for small business development in the North Area prior to commissioning a service to deliver a more substantial piece of work.


The Barnsley Business and Innovation Centre (BBIC) proposes to ask local business owners and managers in the North Area for their input regarding the challenges businesses are facing and what type of support would be helpful.  BMBC data suggests that 232 businesses started up in the North Area in 2012.  It is unclear how many of these are still operational.  The project will require 7 to 8 days to complete at a cost of £2,250, with information available by the end of the summer.  It was pointed out that the project to support businesses will go out to tender after the Government inspection information is received in October.




(i)            The Area Council agrees to a business development survey to support the development of small business support within the North Area, at a cost of £2,250.

Supporting documents: