Agenda item


To consider any communications to be submitted by the Mayor or the Chief Executive.


(a)       Health and Safety Awards 2016


The Chief Executive was pleased to announce that the Council had been successful in achieving two prestigious awards for health and safety in 2016 which reflected the high standards sustained over consecutive years.


·         The British Safety Council International Safety Award – the Council had again won this award.  The Chief Executive reported that winners of these awards spanned all sectors and were drawn from the United Kingdom, Africa and the Middle East.


·         Royal Society for the Prevention of Accident’s Order of Distinction – this was the first time that the Council had been successful in achieving this award for its commitment to accident and ill-health prevention.  The Council had been judged on its overarching occupational health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.  Julia Small, RoSPA’s Head of awards and events had said ‘to win an award at such a highly-regarded event as the RoSPA Awards is a great achievement for our winners.  It recognises their commitment to maintaining an excellent health and safety record and raises the bar for other organisations to aspire to’.


The awards reflected the continued efforts of Business Units, Services and employees at all levels for their contribution to the Council’s health and safety record.


Congratulations were extended to Mr S Dobby and his Team on this fantastic achievement.


The Mayor and Members of the Council expressed their congratulations to all concerned in the usual manner.


(b)       National Recycling Awards


The Chief Executive reported that the BDR and 3SE Waste Partnership had been recognised at the recent National Recycling Awards by winning the category for Best Energy from Waste Initiative.


The National Recycling Awards recognised excellence and innovation in the recycling and waste management industry.  As well as winning this category, the project was also a finalist in two other categories, Private-Public Sector Partnership and Communications.


The judges had praised the close relationship between Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Councils and 3SE on the project and the vision which had led to the construction of a regional multi-fuel energy from waste facility.


The BDR waste treatment facility played a pivotal role in the Council achieving a 95% landfill diversion rate, contributing to the overall annual recycling performance (of around 45%) and generating enough power from Barnsley’s waste to power over 10,000 households per year whilst, at the same time, giving the Authority certainty of waste treatment capacity and access to two industry leading private sector companies for the next 25 years.


Mr M Bell was in the Chamber this morning and congratulations were extended to him and his Team on this achievement.


The Mayor and Members of the Council expressed their thanks to all involved in the usual manner.


 (c)       Berneslai Homes – Runner Up – Top 50 Social Landlords


The Chief Executive informed the Council that Berneslai Homes had been named as the runner up in the UK’s Top 50 social landlords list which was put together by a national poll by 24 Housing Magazine.


Berneslai Homes had been shortlisted for some big achievements including:


·         Staff raising £32,000 for local charities

·         Running the #proudtennant campaign

·         Expanding their tenant support service and helping tenants access £375,000 in benefits including 180 new build homes and excellent performance with 89% tenant satisfaction, 93% repairs satisfaction and 99% rent collection


Mr M Lunn, Chair of Berneslai Homes Board was in the Chamber this morning and on behalf of the Council, the Chief Executive wished to congratulate him, Ms H Jaggar (Chief Executive, Berneslai Homes) and all the Team within Berneslai Homes for achieving this recognition.


The Mayor and Members of the Council expressed their thanks to all involved in the usual manner.



Councillor Gardiner, Corporate Services Cabinet Spokesperson, expressed his individual congratulations to all those involved in these fantastic achievements.  He particularly commented on the Health and Safety Awards and to the work of Mr S Dobby and his Team.  These awards were one of many that the Service had received and was testament to the hard work and dedication of all involved.  It demonstrated the continuing success and excellent performance of the Service.


Councillor Sir Steve Houghton CBE, Leader of the Council, also expressed his congratulations to all concerned.  In relation to Health and Safety, there was nothing more important than the safety of staff and these awards were a tremendous achievement for all involved.  The success in the National Recycling Awards was a wonderful achievement and demonstrated, amongst other things, the Council’s commitment to ensuring that waste was managed appropriately.  He then expressed his thanks to all staff within Berneslai Homes for their hard work and dedication on behalf of residents/tenants in the Borough.  This was a tremendous achievement given the financial restrictions within which the Council and Berneslai Homes was working.


Councillor Ennis, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, also expressed his congratulations and made particular reference to the success of Berneslai Homes, being a former Board Member, and he expressed congratulations to Mr M Lunn, Chair of the Board, and to Ms H Jagger, Chief Executive and to all staff within Berneslai Homes for their hard work and dedication in helping to achieve this award.


Finally, the Mayor and Members of the Council once again expressed, in the usual manner, their congratulations to all involved in achieving these awards.