Agenda item

Statement of Licensing Act 2003 Policy Review Consultation 2022/23


The Service Director to the Statutory Licensing Regulatory Board submitted a report which informed Members of the Statement of Licensing Act 2003 Policy Review Consultation responses and sought views and recommendations in relation to the same for Cabinet and Full Council.


It was noted that in line with statutory guidelines in determining and publishing a Statement of Licensing Policy, which must take place at least once every five years, the Licensing Authority had carried out a statutory consultation which had lasted for 10 weeks and ended on 3 March 2023.


A total of two responses had been received to the consultation, and following consideration by officers, the Statement of Licensing Policy had been updated where appropriate to reflect the amended wording and points referred to.




1.         That Members considered the draft policy and the consultation responses received and contained within the body of the report.


2.         That Members recommended the approval of the policy for Cabinet and Full Council.

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