Agenda item

Gambling Act 2005 - Statement of Licensing Policy

The Service Director Culture, Housing and Regulation will submit a report detailing changes to the framework governing the licensing of gambling which was referred to this Board by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 18th May, 2016, and seeking approval to recommend the Council to adopt the new Statement of Licensing Policy.



The Service Director Culture, Housing and Regulation submitted a report detailing changes to the framework governing the licensing of gambling which was referred to this Board by Cabinet at its meeting held on the 18th May, 2016 and seeking approval to recommend the Council to adopt the new Statement of Licensing Policy.


The report outlined the background to the review of this policy, indicated that it had been amended to take account of additional guidance and regulations since the policy was last adopted by the Council and gave details of the consultation process that had been undertaken.


In the ensuing discussion, reference was made to the following:


·         The requirements of the risk assessments and premises specific mitigations which were now required in order to reduce the risk of gambling related harm

·         The definition of ‘Vulnerable People’ referred to in the Licensing Objectives and the ways in which such persons could be protected in relation to ‘gambling beyond their means’

·         Whilst the Gambling Policy was generally welcomed, concern was expressed at the gambling activities that were not covered within this policy and which, nevertheless, could lead to gambling problems.  Particular reference in this respect was made to online gambling and ‘one armed’ bandits and the increasing amount of television advertising which it was felt encouraged potentially irresponsible gambling and particularly in respect of young people.  The increasing number of cases of debt related problems had been identified by both Members, the CAB and Credit Unions some of which was because of gambling and arising out of the debate there was a discussion of the ways in which these concerns could be raised with Government.  It was noted that Councillors and MP’s were identified as ‘Interested Parties’ who could make representations about licence applications or licence renewal applications

·         Reference was made to the good working arrangement the Licensing Service had with the Gambling Commission

·         If any Members had concerns about premises acting illegally or irresponsibly, and particularly where young people or children were involved,  these should be forwarded to the Licensing Service for investigation

·         It was noted that unless there were objections made to a new gambling premise licence application, the licence would be granted in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005

·         Arising out of the discussion, reference was made to Section 181 of the Gambling Act which related to Betting Machines in ‘betting premises’ and ‘casinos’ which had been if force for a number of years


RESOLVED - that the report be received and the Service Director Culture, Housing and Regulation explore options as to how concerns in relation to un-regulated gambling activities and the increasing incidence of debt can be raised with the Government.

RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that, insofar as the Board is concerned, the Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Policy 2016 be approved and referred to Council for adoption.

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