Agenda item

Commissioned Project Update


The item was introduced by the North Area Council Manager.  Members attention was drawn to recent quarterly report submitted by Kingdom Security.  During the final quarter 128 Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued with 10 of these being for dog fouling, and the remaining for littering.  A further 32 notices had also been issued for parking violations. As a result the Area Council had received £70,765 income.


The meeting discussed administration costs associated with Parking Charge Notices. It was noted that any costs associated with the processing of Fixed Penalty Notices was covered in the Service Level Agreement with Community Safety and Enforcement, this was not the case for Parking Charge Notices.


The meeting then went on to consider the performance of the contract with CAB and DIAL.  Members noted the sessions being held in each Ward, and the 251 people who had already accessed the service this quarter, leading to a total of 456 client contacts and a benefit gain of £577,019.  This equated to £15 for every pound invested in the project.


Members discussed the current levels of demand and it was agreed to monitor levels to ensure all interested parties could access the service. A suggestion was made to make enquiries as to whether the sessions held in the area impacted on the numbers attending town centre sessions.


The contract with The Forge – Anvil CIC was discussed very briefly, as much of this had been covered earlier in the meeting.  Two of the performance measures were rated as ‘Amber’ due to additional information being requested to evidence the outputs claimed.


Members noted the final performance report for the ‘Now you’re cooking’ contract with SWYPFT.  The Area Council Manager made members aware that an extensive end of contract final report was available on request.  The meeting discussed the legacy of the project, highlighting a number of cook and eat sessions continuing to be run by volunteers in the area. The celebration event held on the 31st of March had been a huge success, well attended with presentation delivered from groups that had benefited from the project. 


RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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