Agenda item

Minutes from the Penistone East and West Ward Alliance held on 21st January, 2016, and 10th March, 2016 (PAC.14.04.2016/3)


The meeting received the notes from the Penistone East and West Ward Alliance held on 21st January and 10th March, 2016.


Members discussed issues relating to the advertising of the Round Table events.  For many years the bridges on the Trans-Pennine Trail had been used to display banners to advertise events, but more recently officers in highways had raised issue with the practice and banners had been removed.


It was suggested that the practice had not historically caused any issues, and Members sought to reinstate this if possible, restricting it to temporary notices for community use.


A Member asked whether there had been progress with the purchase of a community defibrillator.  It was agreed that this question be raised at the next meeting of the Ward Alliance.


A brief update was given on the Working Together Fund. It was noted that significant efforts had been made to promote the fund and now 11 applications had been received.



(i)        that the notes from the Penistone East and West Ward Alliance held on 21st January and 10th March, 2016 be received; and

(ii)       that the Chair discusses the issue of banner advertising on the Trans-Pennine Trail bridges with the Executive Director, Place.

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